How are you?
Are you okay?
I hope:)
I know you read this...
Answer me?
Okay no...I understand you
I would be mad too I guess...
But you have to understand me too..
I haven't had my phone okay...?
I wanna talk to you again like we did before
I want you to prank me again like you did
and I want us to have fun again and talk for hours and hours
Stop spamming me I get it.
I know you were busy and now you're on holidays
Stop texting me and enjoy your time okay?
We can talk again some time
I can't enjoy my time when I know you don't wanna talk to me again and you probably hate me
I don't hate you
Now go and have fun okay? I'm gonna be fine
But tell me your adresse or something I wanna send you a postcard or so?
Pretty Pretty please?
Okay yeah....
You'll get my PO Box number okay?
Yeah that's fine :D