the Beginning

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Chapter 1

I'm going to tell you how I ended up giving my body away for some money.

I woke up this morning and got out of bed tired from a long night of partying with my 3 friends Take'Yah, Shakira, and D'nasha. We all come from the same ghetto and been friends since the first grade. Take'Yah has long black hair with greenish brown eyes. She's goofy and evil. Shakira is the stinger and evil one. D'nasha is the playful, and evil one. And me i'm just the one that is unthinkable as everyone says cause I do what ever I need to do and be whatever I need to be to get mines.

I walked slowly to the bathroom taking off my shirt and bra. I pull the curtains on the shower back, and turn the hot water on. I unbuttoned my pants and pulled my thong down to the floor and stepped out of them both. I got into the shower and pulled the curtain so the water wouldn't get on the floor. I closed my eyes as I felt the water run across my face ,down my neck, and slither down my nipples and onto my stomach and down my thighs and so down. As my eyes were closed I was thinking about 'Phill' and how he had touched my last night. A way I have never felt. He was so gentle and his hands were so curious and the way he kissed me his lips feeling so smooth on mines. My nipples got hard as I thought and I got so horny thinking about him in the shower before I could realize it I was pleasuring myself. As my fingers rolled across my private I slowly felt this rush all through my body. I was about to cum. But all of a sudden the doorbell rung and I came to a sudden stop. As I got out the shower yelling “hold on” to who ever was a the door, I grabbed my robe and put it on I unlocked and cracked the door open a little. Take'Yah forced it open saying

Take'Yah- Girl let us in

follows her is Shakira and D'nasha. “Hey yall” they turned in said “hey” back.

D'nasha- What was you in here doing playing with your toys

Me-“ No, don’t worry about what I was doing. Why yall here I got to go to work an a hour.

Take'yah- tell 'Craig” to get someone else to be his slave  for today.

Me-“ I am not his slave I am his assistant I cant be missing anymore days so yall got to go”

D'nasha- shakira come on so she can go to work

Me-“Take'yah you two”

I kissed them all on the cheeks.

Me- “love yall and be safe”

I looked at the clock and I only had 30minutes to get to work I locked the door and took off my robe and got back into the shower. I used my vanilla body wash because I know how much it drives Craig crazy. Craig is a tall sexual, dark skinned , smooth talking piece of man. That I have been waiting to have sex with since I started working at the law form which was a year ago. after I got out the shower I dried off and lotion-ed up with my vanilla scented body lotion and put my bra and thong I put on a knee length black skirt with a slit up the right leg and slutty but classy red shirt that stringers cross and the back. I put on my black knee high boots and did my hair and make up. My hair is long jet black hair that stops at my ass. I grabbed my keys and purse and left for work.

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