What happens in this office stays here part 2

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I'm heated now, cause i could have been doing god knows what instead of being at this fucking office. i got my purse,keys, and drove home. i didn't have to work the next day well i guess today since it is 12 in the fucking morning.

when i got into the house i threw down my purse and keys on my bed an flopped down on it like i had no care in the world but truth is i don't. I picked up my phone and text-ed the girls "what are yall doing" i waiting for five minutes before D'nasha text-ed me back "at club Z'Non" i didn't text-ed back knowing that they are somewhere having fun is good enough for me. I forced myself off the bed an went into the bathroom, i sat on the side of the tub an ran a hot bath. i put my vanilla body wash in the steaming water to my bubbles. i reached an got my light from the other side of the tub an went around the whole room lighting my french vanilla scented candles that i had scattered. i turned off the light and turned off the water once it got to my liking. i love my big,dark blue, oval,and marble tub because i can fit every inch of me in it without worrying about my feet sticking out of it and it's my favorite color. i pushed play on my iPod touch that is connected to my speakers on the counter of my sink and beyonce "dance for you" began to play. i love this song because it reminds me of the night i first grind-ed on Phil on the dance floor. i wanted and still do want to be with Phil but he's married. And it's not that i cant get him from her because trust me i can. i can have him tied around my finger within seconds. the thing is i don’t want to be a home wrecker. my mother told me when i was younger that a woman who stoles a married man from his wife is a whore.  And my mother didn’t raise a whore.

I took off my clothes an got into the bath water, my body started to tingle from the heat of the water. i relaxed and started to feel like the world just froze around me and i was the only one able to move but really didn't want to.  hours later  i was just drifting off to sleep when i got the erg to just go out. i normally don't go out by myself but i didn't want to wake my gang  it was already 3:30 a.m. i knew they was sleep. i don't even know any clubs that is open besides "Saflame" and that wasn't just a dancing club it was a sex"power blast" club. And i thought for a second and decided to go. i washed up nice and good. i was smelling light vanilla and ready to go in my closet an pick out my new outfit i had just bought the other day. i got of the bathtub and let the water out an skipped into my bedroom. soaking wet, good thing i have carpet because if it was wood i probably would have fell on my ass by now. i prided my closet doors open an stood in front of it naked. suddenly  i started feeling weird like i was being watched i looked around and finally zoomed in on the man in the apartment across from mine staring at me from his window. looking at him reminded me of the time i was bored and looked across towards his way an seen him and i just masturbated right in front of the window just to give him a show. when i was tired of cumming i had stopped an he was still staring at me with his mouth watering like he was dreaming off being over here tasting me, i burst-ed out laughing.

 i flipped through the clothes in my closet to find my outfit. when i finally found it i lifted it up like it was royalty an couldn't touch the ground. which it is i paid damn near 4oo dollars for this outfit. i just had to have because it is all red. my pants are red with tiger claws cut down the leg. mt top was red with kinda vest like, the back is just strings crossed, the front is cut into a very low  v so it shows my belly button ring , and the top really makes my breast stick out so they are the first things you see when you see me. i mean there out but there really just perked up. i placed my outfit on my bed and got my lotion from off my nightstand and lotion-ed up and  did my make-up and hair. i put my outfit an got my red stilettos out off my shoe closet. i grabbed my purse and keys in left for the club.

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