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When I went inside of the club it is very dark and silent. Then came a strange but calming voice.

Voice- did you come here with a lone or with a parent

i'm guessing “parent” means a date or just someone else I guess it was a joke or something

Me- alone

Voice- step forward five steps

I did what it said counting in my head five steps.

Voice- what do you plan on doing here

Me- have all the pleasure I can take

( ok I said it was a sex club but I never said that I haven't ever been here)

Voice- hold out your hands

I held them out, and nothing happened for a couple of seconds then something was put an both of my hands, but my left hand was heavier than my right.

Voice- walk to the light and have a pleasurable time

I didn't see a light at first but than I seen it I guess they opened a door, I walked in, and the first thing I did was look at what was put into my hands. in my left hand was a bottle of chocolate syrup an in my right hand I held a little cup with ice and some condums. i keep walking an walking right into empty room. I stopped and started looking around not knowing what to expect this time. I looked at the bed and sat at the end of it. I sat the syrup and ice and condoms to the side of me. I laid back on the bed, waiting to see what was going to happen. Then before I could think about who was going to come in a tall, milk chocolate, sexy, juicy lipped, brown eyed , muscular, and low faded man came in the room an I sat up.

He popped his chest and I licked my lips. He grabbed me by my legs, and puled me to the very edge of the bed. And I can't help but get hot, I love it when a man is rough with me. As you notice we didn't say hello to each other. Because here hello's are nowhere near important. This club is for pleasure. Pleasure and pain depends on how you like it. But for me I like it all. He picked me up off the bed an started to kiss me. I began to kiss back after begin attacked by his soft lips. He lifted my shirt off me with just one hand while holding me in the air with the other hand. He than undid my bra with the same hand. He must be a pro at this are something. (what am I thinking he is), but I guess man love my breast because that's the first thing they start at I mean shit I love my breast because their huge. He grabbed my breast with his mouth and started to tug and suck on them. I couldn't help but moan, it felt so good . He laid me on the bed and took my pants off and slowly pulled my thong off I guess to make a moment. Doesn't matter because it worked. He got the chocolate and drizzled in on my stomach and down and he stared into my eyes like he was planning on eating me alive. and oh how it felt so good when he started to. I gripped the covers and bit on my bottom lip when I came, and he looked up at me laughing.( he's really enjoying this huh?) He picked me up and flipped me on my knees and hands. He grabbed my hair as he forced himself at lightening speed inside me and I screamed, he began laughing again which made me laugh.

After An hour of non stop pleasure my phone began to ring at first I ignored it and but it never stopped so I answered it.

Me- hello

Police- is this tay'mer-ni-a Thomas

he said like everyone else trying to figure out my name

Me- yes this is her

I began to get up

Police- well miss i'm going to need to to come to your apartment fast

Me- is there something wrong

Police- you might wanna see for yourself

Me- ok i'm on my way

I got up fast after hanging up the phone and began to put my clothes back on

Guy- where are you going we're not done yet

I looked down his body and stayed staring at his "perky private"

Me- as much as I wanna stay I have to leave something is wrong I need to go

he grabbed my arm just as I was leaving

Guy- here take my number... so we can finish another time

I looked at the card with his number on it and it said shan on it I looked at him

Me- sure thing shan

he smiled at me then I disappeared to my apartment

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