How Hot can it get

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My heart racing once I got a block away and seen smoke. I started praying that it wasn't my place. I pulled up and got out of the car with my mouth partially on the ground. I ran up to my apartment and opened the door and seen everything burned. I was breathless, shocked, frightened. Fire fighters where walking past me with some stuff in bags and one came an stopped right in front of me.

Firefighter- are you the owner?

I stood there for a second still in disbelief

Me- I nodded

Firefighter- well the fire was started by some candles

than it came to me I fucking left the damn candles lit, I started hitting my stuff in the head with my palm as tears started to make a path way through the dirt on my face from the smoke. I fell to my knees crying I couldn't hit myself anymore.

Me- all my stuff, where am I going to live

I said an a low voice

I kicked the book shelf as hard as I could not thinking and hurt my fucking foot. I bent over an grabbed my foot holding it like it's going to make it better knowing that it wasn't.

Take'yah came in I could tell she was running by the way she was breathing and if you listened really hard you could hear her hurt beating at warp speed. I got up and she wrapped her arms around me while piercing my shoulder with her chin. She started to cradle me like I was a newborn baby.

Me- I don't have now where to live

I blurted out

Take'yah- you can stay with me

Me-i don't even have nothing to wear

Take'yah- I will take you shopping tomorrow

Me- I have no money, I always kept money in the left corner of my mattress and that burn to shit. I only have 395 dollars in my purse.

Take'yah- well we're just going to have to go find some now won't we

Me-why are you so calm about this and acting like everything is going to be ok?

I shouted at her while pushing her off of me.

Take'Yah- because someone has to and because we are strong black woman and we can make it through anything

she said calming, and I had to agree

Me- your right at that we can make it through anything. But take'yah

Take'Yah- huh

Me- your not black your Burnt

I started laughing

Take'yah- bitch i'm not burnt i'm brown so fuck you

we started laughing together

Take'yah- you always trying to crack a damn funny

After being at the house for 2 hours,trying to pick out stuff that wasn't dust. Turns out now i have a penny bank. Which is the glass penny bank my mother gave me when I was little. And that's all but remembering I got something left from my mother is all I need. Take'yah and i drove to her house. I loved seeing her house. Her house is painted hot pink around the trim and regular pink on the rest with a white picket fence around it. It reminds me of a baby doll house. And I had plenty of those when i was younger. Take'yah lives with her room mate Robert. I guess she couldn't take care of the rent by herself. It is a four bedroom with two bathrooms. It's only one useful bathroom for guest and it is in open stairs. the other bathroom is connected to take'yah's room.

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