How bad can it get?

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It's been a week since the man that I love told me to leave him alone. I haven't been to work, i'm scared to face Craig. I have finally hit rock bottom I lost: a sister,my man, and my job. I was depressed for the first 3days now the only thing hurting is my heart from shan. I guess it's going to take more time then the other guys did, I don't know but i can't wait till it's over.

I talked to my mom and told her everything in my prayers I don't know if she heard my words but it felt good to let them out. And this morning I just decided that i'm done feeling sorry for myself. I got up and washed up and put on my black skinny jeans with a low cut purple tank top like top and purple ankle heeled boots, got into my car in left to the bank. And now i'm standing in line to get all the money I have out.

Account- next!

I moved up and sat in front of her desk.

Account- name

Me- Tay'mernia Thomas

Account- ok are you putting in or making a withdraw

Me- withdraw

Account- how much

i got a little annoyed by her popping her damn gum.

Me- all of it

Account- ok I’ll be right back

I faked a smile

Me- ok

I waited for about 15 minutes before she came back with my money. I held my hand out and she put it all in my hand.

Account- 4thousand 2hundred and 67 dollars.

Me- thank you

I said while putting the money into my bra and walking out of the bank. I got into my car and got my shades from out of the glove department and put them on and drove to the firm.

Once I got into the firm I was blasted by the cold air. I ran to the elevator and slipped in before the doors closed. I pressed the button. I waited and waited into it was my stop i walked passed my co workers. I seen their mouths swing open as I walked passed them. I went straight into crags office with knocking. He jumped a little and glared at me.

Craig- what the hell are you doing here

Craig- and it better be to say sorry and get over here an suck my dick for the last repayment.

He said before I could answer is question. I took the money out of my bra and slammed it on the table. Me-That’s $4267 right there

he got angry fast.

Craig- wheres the rest of it

Me- I’ll give It to you later

I started walking out the room. He ran up and slammed the door shut with his hand. He talked into the back of my head.

Craig- no i want it now

I wrote a check knowing it was going to bounce later. I shoved it into his hand.

Me- there

he moved back and let me out.

I hurried home and went to the kitchen an pushed the button for my messages to see if shan called.

Recording- you have no new messages

I went into the living room and flopped down onto the couch. I looked at my cell phone and stared at shan's face on my screen. It made me smile cause I took it when I was in the hospital. he was cracking me up the whole time I was there talking about the nurses and doctors. I burst-ed out laughing thinking about him making phone of the doctor with the extremely bad tan. I dialed his number, knowing he's probably tired of seeing me call I have called him over a thousand times since he left even tho is wants me to leave him alone. But this time was different,the other times it rung once and than I got the messages but now it rung 3 times. But I notice as the phone was ringing I heard ringing from outside. I went to the door and opened and shan was standing there with his fist in position to knock on the door I guess I caught him in action.

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