1- Worst Family Ever.

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Frank Gallagher:

Nobody's saying our neighborhood is the Garden of Eden. Hell, some people say God avoids this place altogether. But it's been a good home to us, to me and my kids, who I'm proud of, 'cause every single one of them reminds me a little bit of me. Fiona, my rock, huge help. Has all the best qualities of her mother, except she's not a raging psycho bitch.

Lip, smart as a whip. Straight As and the honor roll. boy's definitely going somewhere.

Ian and Zoe, my two favorite wonder twins. Sure they both look identical, but man they're so different.

Ian, industrious, conscientious, ambitious, incredible work ethic. Don't have a clue where he got that from. Wants to be a paratrooper. Knows how to disembowel an enemy with a roll of dimes and an old gym sock.

Zoe, clever, wise as a serpent, fearless and invincible. Has more potential than anyone else in the room. A true artist, truer than that cocky Picasso. This girl's definitely gonna be something phenomenal in the future. 

Carl. Uh, I don't really know that much about Carl. Oh! Loves animals. Always dragging home some poor stray he found, taking them up to his room.  

Ah, Debbie. Sent by God. Total angel. Raises money for UNICEF year-round, some of which she actually turns in.  

Liam, going to be a star. I'm no biologist, but he looks a little bit like my first sponsor. He and the ex-were close.  

Kev and Veronica, fantastic neighbors. There's nothing they won't do for each other. Or *to* each other. That didn't hurt half as much as I thought it would. I never realized how little sex I was having till V and Kev moved next door.  

And me, Frank Gallagher, father, teacher, mentor, captain of our little ship. We may not have much, but all of us, to a man, knows the most important thing in this life. We know how to fucking party!  



"hisssssss" a random voice whispered while I was asleep.

"Fuck off" I groaned.


"If you don't stop right now I'll cut your throat and feed you to the fucking goblins" I spat while I was still half asleep.

All of a sudden I felt a tickle under my foot, and that's where shit is about to happen. That spot is my ultimate pet peeve if anyone touches it, they're fucking dead.

"What the FUCK" I yelled, as I slowly open my eyes I see Fiona's blurry face.

"Morning duchess, would you like your breakfast to be served in your bedroom?" She joked.

"Yes actually I'll have a banana waffle with lactose-free yogurt, and an orange juice" I joked back, even though my vision is blurry, but I can see her eyes rolling at how idiotic I acted.

"Up. NOW, and don't forget to brush your teeth" She pulled my blanket and my teddy bear fell off.

"Hey! Don't drag Mr. Buttercup into this" I said referring to my teddy bear as she went downstairs.

I finally got my ass out of bed, which is extremely difficult in my case. Sleeping only makes me feel better about everything, not worrying about my own existential crisis for example. 

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