8- "I'm Gay, Zoe!"

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"I NEED TAMPONS! ASAP!" I shouted from the bathroom hoping and praying to god that Fiona is near so she could listen, didn't really care if my siblings heard, they got used to it already.

"Use cotton balls, they're useful for now!" Fiona replied as she was writing down her grocery list. "Anything else?"

"Who's Candice?" Debbie asked in confusion, looking through Steve's cell phone. Wait, what?

"I have no idea" Fiona replied.

"Steve got a text from Candice: Sweetie call me, it's important!" Debbie read the message from his phone.

"Ouch! Someone couldn't keep his hands in his pants" I giggled.

"Hey, you don't read other people's messages!" Fiona took the cell phone from Debbie, I could tell that Fiona was upset about the message.

"Is he dating someone else?" Debbie asked.

"If he would, he wouldn't tell Fiona. Hence, Fiona wouldn't know" I added.

"Go! You're gonna be late for school!" Fiona exclaimed at Debbie.  "Both of you, GET OUT!" She exclaimed at me while I was standing in the bathroom's door, and left after she yelled at me.


"Can you imagine if we made it national on the team?" Skye began as we were both walking down the street, reminding me that we're both cheerleaders now. God, I cringe whenever I remember that!

"Yes, I can totally see that!" I faked a smile as I smoked my cigarette.

"Am I being typical again?" She asked. She knew I was uninterested at the subject.

"Yes you are," I blew a smoke.

"But hey! At least I'm not like Alexis Chlamydia" She joked, mentioning her half sister. I laughed at this, I hated Alexis for obvious reasons.

Seconds later I see Ian with Mandy Skankyvich! Guess I'm giving nicknames now. I flinch when I see her with my brother, I have horrible vibes from this bitch, I don't know what is it but I'm not comfortable with her around. 

"Speaking of Chlamydia!" I scoffed while glaring at Mandy.

"Nice to see you out of your closet Zoe!" She replied, obviously trying to piss me off.

"By closet, you mean the gym auditorium? We've been practicing for hours, it's hard to stay in shape. Sorry if you can't relate." Skye responded, I know she is trying to make a smart comeback, but I don't want anyone to know I'm cheerleading, it's embarrassing! I slightly hit her with my elbow while maintaining my fake smile. 

"Practicing?" Ian asked in confusion.

"Yup! Four hours a day, no lunch break, only bathrooms. And, we get rewarded!" She continues, as I keep clearing my throat to give her a hint that I don't want them to know about the whole cheerleading thing.

"Practicing for what exactly?" Ian is still confused. Gosh, why won't Skye just shut her mouth already!

"Cheerleading! We're on the football team." She said in excitement and confidence, I buried my face in my hands. I don't even want to look at their reaction.

"Well damn! This must be exciting for you Zoe." I can hear Mandy already making jokes.

"Shit Zoe! Why didn't you tell me?" Ian asked, sounding both shocked and proud.

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