5- Debbie Stole a Fucking Kid!

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Sometimes I wish I could make billions with my drawings, I know they're not exactly that good like Dali or Van Gogh, but at least I'm trying. I tried convincing Fiona that I want to go an art school, but since we can't afford the fees, I told her that I'll work my ass off but she simply said that it's almost impossible coming up with half of the fees myself. 

So I sunk my fucking dreams into becoming a real artist one day and took that sunken dream and flushed it down the toilet, cause that's where bullshit goes. 

I tried to take advantage of my other talents. Which are, complaining, bitching, stubbornness, throwing knives... Speaking of knives, I should practice. 

I always like to draw my victim's faces on a cardboard and hang it on the wall so I can enjoy stabbing them again and again. First face, Frank. Secon face, Mickey Milkovich, Third face, that skanky bitch in my class, Hannah. Fourth face... I couldn't think of one so I just added Voldemort's face just to fit in the group of people I wanna kill. 

"Zoe, are you... Holy shit!" Fiona walked in as I threw my knife at the cardboard right next to the door, which caused her a mini heart attack. 

"I'm busy" I sternly said. 

"What have I told you about throwing knives?" She scolded. 

"It's for my self-defense, I need it" 

"Oh really? You call your act last night as self-defense?" She said referring to the incident with the Milkovichs. 

"Okay that case was different, they were gonna hurt Ian" I added. 

"Give me the knife, Zoe" Fiona demanded. 

"What! No, I need to practice" I replied.

"Common, you'll get in trouble for this, Give me the knife Zoe, NOW!" She scolded. 

"Fine!" I sighed. 

"Get dressed now, and don't forget to brush your teeth" She shouted as she was leaving.


"Guess what?" Skye asked in excitement. 


"I got a job at the Milk Shake shop," She said. 

"That's amazing! We should celebrate" I cheered. 

"Drinks on me!" She offered. 

We were both walking down the streets and having a good time, laughing and telling jokes, even talking shit about people we hate. These moments with Skye make me feel alive, make me believe in humanity and friendship, cause friendship and humanity nowadays are extremely rare.

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