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Inline comments are love , expecting 750 votes this time also

"Chor.. chor.. "nandini shouted loudly seeing a girl entering in cabir's room from window. The girl looked at nandini shockingly. But before nandini could said something more cabir palmed her mouth from behind and after taking her inside , locked the door and the girl also came inside. Nandini was all the time trying to remove his hand while digging her nails in his hands.

"Nandini , you was a  wild cat in your last birth , hmm ? "cabir asked angrily while holding his hand and navya laughed on his dialogue and nandini gave him hell angry looks to him making pout. She was looking dam cute.

"Bhai , Don't say like that , you , you hold my mouth like this "she said while doing action also , palming her mouth herself " you know , i could even die also because i couldn't able to breath properly when you palmed my mouth "nandini said innocently while that girl and cabir were looking at her  disbelievingly as the way she was complaining and innocently telling about her problem , that was very cute.

"And this girl , who is she ? And why she was entering in your room like a thief "she asked pointing her finger toward that girl " she made me so much scared " she again complaint about the girl making sad pout while cabir and that girl looked at each other.

"Nandini , she is my girlfriend , i love her "cabir said , after listening the word love ,  her eyes started twinkling. "Her name is navya and she is also loves me " cabir said and Navya nodded her head.

"But , why she was coming in your room like a thief , is the main gate of this house get jammed ? "She asked and after that laugh on herself clapping her hand and made them also laugh.

"Oh god , Nandini , you are too funny seriously "navya said while putting her hand  on nandini's shoulder. "Nandini , our relationship is secret , bhai hates navya's family and i know he will not easily accept navya "cabir said sadly and navya also looked at cabir sadly while nandini looking at them , opening her mouth making O shape.

"But ,i know manik will surely accept navya when he will come to know that you love navya as he know that what is love , he will never separate you both "nandini said with full confidence as she knew manik very well and in her eyes , he was a hero as she had changed him.

"Nandini , you don't know , how much he hate her family , he can't even listen their name , many times i have tried to talk with bhai about navya but he never let me speak and i don't know , why he hates her family "cabir said sadly while navya held cabir's hands and they both looked at each other having love in their eyes and nandini smiled seeing their love.

" You both don't worry , i will talk to manik , he will surely understand and my hero will never say no to me , i will talk to him about this now , okay"she said thinking that it will be very easy as she didn't know how much he hated navya's family and it was very hard to explain manik .

"Nandini , please no , not now , don't talk to bhai about this "cabir said while stopping her holding her hand and navya also nodded agreeing with cabir's word. "Okay "nandini said innocently but she was lost in thought as like something was going in her mind.

"Bye cabir bhai and navya bhabhi , good night and enjoy your night " nandini said that before leaving the room . Her last line made them blush . As soon as nandini left cabir after closing the door , pinning navya on wall started Kissing her lips.


Nandini entered inside and see that manik was roaming in room as he was not feeling sleepy , he wanted to sleep in her arms. Nandini without saying anything to manik , laid down on bed and manik smiled seeing her back in room.

"No , you will sleep on couch today " she said  when manik was about to  lay down beside her. He looked at her making sad face but nandini covered herself fully with blanket and manik sadly sat  on couch while holding his head. Poor manik , his happiness was only for few second.

After an hour also , nandini was still awake as she  got habitual of sleeping in manik's arm. She peeked out blanket to check manik , if he had slept or not. She pull the blanket down when she didn't find him on couch. She looked on her side and he was standing there having a smile on his face.

"I am going to washroom okay , it is not like that ,  jo tum soch rhai ho "she said innocently while getting up " oh , then tell me what i am thinking " he asked coming close to her face.  " You are  thinking that i want to sleep in your arms that's why i got up "as always like innocent baby , she unknowingly told the truth to manik and he chuckled. "And that's the truth baby "he said , pulling her cheeks.

"Hmm , you are right , I couldn't able to sleep  without you , manik i am not angry with you now , punishment cancel , now please sleep with me , i want to sleep , mujhe nini ae hai "she said cutely while rubbing her eyes and manik without waiting for even a single second , he laid with her on bed and took her in his arms and kissed her hair and she also hugged him tightly and slept with in 2 minutes. 


Next morning , manik left for office and She was thinking about mukti and abhi kiss. Sometime was happening to her. She wanted to ask from mukti about that but she had also left. She then thought to watch movie.

"Wow , i will also cook for manik like in this movie , heroine is preparing food for his husband , manik will also get happy " she get an idea to do something for manik. Let's see what will nandini prepare.


"How many times , i have to tell you that i don't want any mistake "Manik said throwing the file on floor angrily. He was hell frustrated today after the fight with dealers. Then only his phone started ringing. He smile lightly seeing the caller id. Today morning only he had given her phone. Then After taking a long breath , he picked up the phone.

"Manik , thank you for the phone , now I can  talk to you any time , manik , i am making something for you , think , think what i am making "as soon as manik picked up the phone , nandini started speaking. The phone was kept on speaker and she was cutting lady finger. She was also a good cook with a good singer and Manik all anger flew away after listening her voice.

"What ? "He asked confusingly " aahaa "nandini shouted as he cut her finger by mistake while cutting ladyfinger. "Baby what happened why you screamed "manik asked worriedly while getting up from chair.

"Aaahaa manik , i cut my finger "she cried and that was enough for manik. He without asking anything further that what she was doing and how she cut her finger , he immediately ran out of cabin as he got hell worried for his baby . "Baby i am coming , you don't worry "he said and nandini was constantly crying holding her finger. Her cries were making him more worried. The way she was crying , he could feel her pain. In true love If one get injured  then other one feels her pain. And that proved that manik loved nandini truly.

I know short update , it is because i am very busy and tomorrow is my college and i am still awake for writing this only as i wanted give update regularly. So bear the short update and ignore the mistakes and leave your precious comments.

1.  So how was the part ?

2.  How was the first scene of cabir , navya and nandini ?

3. What do you think , why manik hate navya's family and what do you think will he accpet her.

4. Few word for last scene ?

5. Your favorite scene ?

Love Mehak

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