03| Say Yes To The Dress

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   I sucked in a breath as Evie zipped up my dress. I tried to stand up straighter, gasping for air.

   Mal looked up from where she laid out on her bed, glancing at me from where she was feeding her mother in her lizard-state.

  "Evie, I made it here with two minutes to spare, that means no corset!" I told her as I took in deep breaths, my lungs getting the air they craved.

  The girl then poked her head out from behind me as I looked down at her, "What do you mean?" She asked with confusion on her face, "There's no corset on this. Why? Do you want one?"

  I quickly shook my head, "I think I'll have enough trouble breathing without one, thanks."

   Evie rolled her eyes, measuring my waist, "You can breathe after cotillion." I huffed, I really doubted that.

   Mal stood up, walking towards us, putting an arm around her girlfriend, "I really doubt that, E. I don't think we'll be able to breathe after cotillion either, not with all the banquets, and galas, and stupid meetings we have to attend." I nodded along at Mal's statement, we had our work cut our for us.

    Evie only sighed, as she fluffed out my dress (which was a yellow color, to resemble Belle's dress), "They are not stupid you guys, they're beautiful, fun, and important. As Women of The Court it is our duty."

  I exchanged a glance with Mal, Evie seemed to be enjoying the whole Royal Court thing much more than the two of us combined.

   My eyes trailed over to where my old leather jacket, the one with the artwork of the souls of the underworld on the back, sat on a chair in the corner of the room, I barley ever used it anymore. It constantly reminded people where I was from, which I didn't think was a bad thing, but others thought different.

   "Hey guys," The two looked up at me, "Do you ever wonder what we'd be doing on the Isle right now?"

  Mal only shrugged, while Evie walked over to her desk, writing something down.

   "You mean like stealing, lying, fighting?" The Evil Queen's daughter asked as she scribbled on paper.

  I nodded though she wasn't looking at me, "Yes!"

  Evie giggled lightly, "Of course not!" A frown fell across my face, "That stuff is wrong, it's bad. We're not bad anymore, we chose good. We're Auradon girls now." I looked down at the ruffles of my dress, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be an Auradon girl. I liked being an Isle kid.

   Mal cleared her throat, causing me to look over at her, she then nodded her head towards the tv, which I was currently on.

  Evie squealed, grabbing the remote and turning the sound up as Mal helped me down from where I stood on the fitting block.

    The tv showed the time where Ben and I had visited Aladdin and Jasmine, the screen did a closeup on me as coughed up a piece of really spicy chicken into my napkin.

  "Hey, I remember that." Mal called out, pointing at the television, I nodded.

  "Yeah, apparently that chicken had been set in some chili for three hours. My mouth burned for two weeks." I stated, subconsciously touching the outside of my cheek.

   The announcer on the television continued speaking, "No one thought that King Ben and his girlfriend from the wrong side of the bridge would last." I rolled my eyes as they brought up how I was from the Isle.

   The tv then showed footage of me from just an hour ago in the courtyard, "Hadey must be counting down the days until the Royal Cotillion where she and her soon-to-be Ladies In waiting, Evie and Mal," The Evil Queen's daughter squealed in excitement when the television showed a photo of Mal and Evie at the Spring Gala last month, "will all become members of the Royal Court."

   Snap! I had forgotten all about how I needed to enter at Cotillion! I dashed over to my bedside desk, tripping over my dress as I pulled out the book I got from the library, Cotillion: History and Etiquette.

   Mal watched me from her bed, Evie still focused on the television report as I flipped through the book, looking for the chapter on entrances.

  "Aha!" I exclaimed once I found the chapter, my eyes scanning over the book, "A Lady Of The Court, or one soon to be, will make her way slowly down the steps or hall, allowing all to see her. She will wear a smile, hands on her dress to keep her from falling, count to three before taking every step, and bow to those above her royally." I mumbled to myself, looking at the words over and over again.

   Mal appeared in front of me, closing my book and throwing it on the bed.


The purple-haired girl cut me off, "Chill out, Hads, If you really want I can give you a spell."

  I opened my mouth to protest, but stopped as Mal flipped through her spell-book. It could help me learn faster, and then I would be sure not to forget.

   Just as I was about to say yes, Evie strutted over, grabbing the book from
her girlfriend.

   She then looked over at me, "You know Ben wouldn't like you using magic to fit in." I rolled my eyes, though I knew she was right.

   Evie continued, "Well as your best friend," she looked over at Mal, "and your girlfriend. This spell-book belongs in the museum, along with my mirror. You know I'm right." She told us, tossing the book over to Mal who caught it with one hand.

  Mal and I traded a look as Evie grabbed both of our hands, pulling us towards the tv where I sat with Ben while he fed me a piece of carrot cake.

  "Look," The blue-haired girl told us, "I am with my two favorite girls in the land of opportunity. We can be whatever we want to be here. So please, let's just leave the past in the past, okay?"

   I put on a fake smile, and nodded.

   Mal sighed, "Okay."

  Evie smiled, kissing Mal on the cheek before picking up one of the shoes I would wear to cotillion, "Besides, I mean, look at the shoes. Look at them."

   I smiled at her, "They are pretty wicked."

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