05| Bike

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After Castle Architecture I made my way to my locker to get my books for Royal Mannerisms and Chemistry.

I opened up the blue metal door to grab my books. Just as I was about to close it, my eyes caught on the pictures Evie had hung up for me.

A smile graced my face as I looked through them, one of Ben and I at his coronation (taken before the whole Maleficent mayhem), another showed myself, Mal, Evie, and Lonnie at a gala, one snapped of the gang and I at Family Day, one taken by Jane of Carlos and I trying (and failing) to wash Dude, and the final one of Ben kissing the top of my head, my hand on his shoulder. I then looked down at my hand, which as always, wore Ben's beast ring.

   "Hey!" Ben's voice sounded through my head causing me to drop my notebook, Ben instantly picking it up and handing it back to me, "Are you alright? You seem a little...jumpy today."

   I smiled at him, "It's nothing. I'm just a little tired, I was up all night with Evie working on my dress."

   He nodded, a smile spreading across his face, "I got you something."

  My eyes widened in shock, he had been getting me little gifts a lot recently, "Wow. That's like every day now for what? A month?"

  Ben shrugged, taking my hand in his own, "Two actually. And I get you a gift on every even day. Because you are even more perfect than I thought."

  I rolled my eyes at him, "That is a terrible pun."

  "Maybe, now come on, let me show you your gift!" I chuckled as Ben dragged me around the corner, stopping once we reached a blue motorbike.

   "No way!" I yelled in excitement. This was amazing! From the first time I had ridden on Ben's motorbike, I had wanted one of my own to just drive around on.

   "Do you like it?" Ben asked, as he leaned against the wall.

  I nodded at him, looking at the motorcycle in awe, "Of course, Ben! This is awesome!"

  He walked over, looking at the bike with me, wrapping an arm around my waist, "You always wanted to drive mine, so I thought you should have your own."

   I smiled before jumping into his arms, pulling him into a hug. Ben stumbled a little before laughing and kissing my head.

   "I don't have anything for you, I'm sorry." I told him, though he shook his head.

   "Hadey, it's no big deal. I just...I like seeing you happy." He rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous tick he had.

  I smiled at him, pressing my lips to his, before separating and taking in a breath, "Well, you Benjamin, make me really, really happy."

   He smiled at me, his arms around my waist, "You ready for date night tonight?"

  I blinked, frowning at him slightly, "What do you mean? Date night's Thursday."

  Ben chuckled, "H, it is Thursday."

  I scoffed, no way, today was Tuesday, "No, it's not."

  "It is. Remember? Yesterday was casserole night."

  Oh my god, today was Thursday! I was so out of it.

   I nodded at him, blinking a few times, "Yeah, yeah of course. I've just been so caught up in all this cotillion stuff, I completely blanked. But I am totally pumped for date night. What's on the agenda?"

  Ben chuckled, "You're taking me on a picnic, remember?"

  No, I did not, "Yes! Of course, I was just testing you."

   He chuckled, leaning down so he was next to my ear, "Alright, I'm looking forward to it." He then pressed a kiss to my cheek, "I love you."

  "I love you too." I called after him as he headed off to class, leaving me wondering on what I was going to do.

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