Chapter Seven.

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If the photo works it's of Rex.

As the small town came in to view Ivan felt a familiar tightness settle in his chest, he thought it was the feeling of going to the one place he always swore he wouldn't go after the divorce. Laurel barely even glanced up from her phone but finally she sighed heavily and sat up straighter.

"You're right, this place hasn't changed at all." Ivan admitted.

"I told you."

They drove down the small main street, the shops on either side looked the same way he remembered. Mom and Pop shops everywhere, the florist that was across from the book shop, the ice cream parlor on the corner, the coffee shop still had the same small red chairs out front and the park was full of kids playing on the grass.

"Are you excited to see everyone?" He asked.

"Yeah, I want to see the kids and Addison."

"It's going to be good to get away after everything with Ezra and you getting shot."

"I'm just nervous about mom, she always could see right through me."

"Do you think she'll know we're faking?" He asked as he turned onto her parents street.

"If anyone figures it out, it'll be mom."

She was right her mom was too good at reading people, Laurel included. Ivan wasn't sure even he could pull the wool over her mothers eyes.

The street narrowed, large brick and Victorian houses lined the street. Tall, lush trees and black lamps lighting the streets. It was starting to get dark, the edges of sunset beginning to touch the sky above the roofs as the tall, white, colonial house came into view at the end of the street.

He parked the car and expected Laurel to jump out immediately, he was surprised when she hesitated.

"Are you going to go in?" He asked.

"I...just need a minute."


They sat in silence for a few minutes before she finally reached for the door handle and climbed from the car. Glancing around she saw the minivan that her sister drove sitting behind her parents old pick up truck.

"You ready?" Ivan asked from directly behind her, a little too close perhaps.

"As I'm going to be."

"Let's go," He reached out, taking her hand firmly in his.

It had been a long time since she had held Ivan's hand and she was amazed at how well they still seemed to fit together. His larger hand completely engulfed hers, and anchored her to what was going on.

The crossed the large porch and had barely reached the door when it swung open and a parade of children rushed out, all attaching themselves to Laurel.

"Aunt Laurel!" Their little voices cheered.

"Hi guys," Laurel said with a smile, releasing Ivans hand.

Ivan stepped back watching as she bent down to hug each small child close and give them some attention individually. She could have been a fantastic mother.

Addison stepped onto the porch as well, ushering her brood of five into the house while balancing a tiny infant on one hip.

"Come on kids, give aunt Laurel some space." Addison directed.

Laurel smiled embracing her little sister with a one armed hug before staring down at the tiny baby Addison was cradling.

"How are you feeling? You doing okay?" Laurel asked.

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