Chapter Seventeen.

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I've included the trailer for my upcoming book which I hope to publish soon and I hope you all give it a chance! 

Ivan woke up before Laurel, she was still nestled tightly in his arms and he had to squash down the part of him that wanted to get used to it.

He rolled from the small bed and headed downstairs, he didn't see either of her parents but a pot of coffee was brewed on the counter and he poured two mugs before heading back to Laurel.

He stepped into her room setting the mugs on the bedside table and easing onto the mattress next to her. He reached out to lay a hand on her shoulder.

"Wake up, I brought coffee."

"Just what I needed," She said with a yawn.

She stretched her arms above her head reminding him of a cat in the early morning sun. Rolling over she smiled timidly at him.

"Good morning," She said softly.

"Good morning, beautiful."

He reached over for one of the cups and handed it to her as she sat up among the pillows and took a drink.

"I'm sorry about last night," She said.

"Hey, you never have to apologize to me."

"I've spent the last few days...leading you on and I don't know why I don't know what's going on in my own head anymore."

"You'll figure it out, you always do."

She gave a small nod, pulling her knees closer to her chest and taking another sip of coffee.

"Don't forget your mom and Addie wanted to get lunch today," He reminded.

"I'm really not in the mood to shop."

"Since when?"He teased.

She leaned up to give him a playful shove, then set her coffee aside and climbed from the safety of the blankets and pillows.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I need to get dressed," She said with a sigh.

"Skip, tell your mom you don't feel well."

She glanced at him as she paused halfway to her closet, then she shrugged and returned to the bed burrowing under the blankets.

"Breakfast in bed would be nice," she said.

"It does. get mine when you get yours." He teased.

He flopped onto the mattress next to her pulling the blankets over himself as well. Out of a habit that had never really been broken she instantly moved into his waiting arms.

"I miss mornings like this," She admitted.

"Me too."

"Yeah, right, I'm sure since the divorce you've had plenty of lazy mornings with plenty of women."

"Not as many as you would think."

She looked up at him her gaze skeptical and he shrugged, true he'd been with other women he was a bachelor after all but nothing meaningful and not a lot of women.

"I usually leave pretty hastily." He said with a laugh

"Oh, one of those guys." She teased

"I don't have time for meaningful relationships, anymore."

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