Chapter twenty three.

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Rex was struggling with his tie and checking his watch every five minutes, The wedding was in a few hours and he still had to get dressed and pick up Ella.

His phone was vibrating again on his bedside table and he briefly glanced at it before ignoring it. It had been ringing for almost an hour and the number was one he didn't recognize.

When it started vibrating yet again he rolled his eyes and grabbed it.


" is it going?" A small voice asked, slightly nervous sounding.


"Yeah, I was wondering if you would come give me a ride?" She asked.

"From where? Where's Ella?"

"I'm at the hospital...I...didn't call her."

"What? what happened?" He asked.

"My friend Frankie got a new motorcycle and he said I could just sit on it you know? and it fell over I'm fine but you know Ella. She will blow a gasket when she finds out."

He sighed heavily, she was right Ella would be hysterical when she found out and there was no need for that.

"Which Hospital?"

"Saint Martins."

"I'll be there."

"Thanks, Rex, you're the best."

"I know." He replied.

He drove his Jaguar to the hospital mindful not to speed, despite his rush. he just wanted to get Evie and get her home safely so he could take Ella and be on his way. He was nervous about tonight and being out alone with Ella, what would he say to her?

He walked into the emergency room and was directed to the room that Evie was in, she was sitting on the thin white bed with her leg propped up on a pillow and wrapped in a bandage.


"It's just a sprain," She said quickly.

"Why would you do something like try to ride a motorcycle?"

"I wasn't going to ride it, I just wanted to sit on it and when it started to fall over I put out a foot's just a sprain," She said again.

"That's not the point," He said, shaking his head as he examined her foot.

"You're going to call Ella, aren't you?" She asked.


"Someone should have!"Ella said from the doorway.

Evie and Rex both visibly winced as they turned to look at Ella who was standing in the doorway. Hands on her hips wearing blue jeans and a button up white t-shirt.


"Honestly Evie! What were you thinking?" Ella scolded.

"Ella.."Rex tried to intervene.

"You stay out of this."

"Ella I didn't mean too I just wanted to try it. Look, I'm not mom and Dad okay? I know you're scared of losing me and I get scared to but you can't live your entire life afraid."

"I'm not having this conversation now, not here. Okay? I'll just get your discharge papers and we will go." Ella said before turning and leaving.

"Sorry Kid looks like the hospital called," Rex said.

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