Chapter thirteen.

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Rex stood in the hallway of the small two-story home he was currently trying to sell. He adjusted his tie in the mirror and then checked his hair just as he heard the front door open downstairs.

"I hope you brought cookies!" he yelled.

"Freshly baked this morning!" Ella called back.

"That's my girl!"

He turned and hurried down the staircase into the entryway, following the smell of the cookies into the kitchen. He found Ella bent over, sliding a cookie sheet into the oven.

"If I warm them up a bit the whole house will smell great."

"This is why you're the best assistant I've ever had," He pointed out.

"Just because I'm the only one that has stuck around this long."

"Well there's that too," He grabbed a cookie from the container on the counter.

"Don't," Before he could take a bite Ella took the cookie from his hand and tossed it onto a tray.

"I didn't eat breakfast," Rex whined.

"Well, I'm not letting you try to sell a house with chocolate between your teeth."

He rolled his eyes as she turned and began trying to straighten his hopelessly crooked tie.

"This house is perfect for Marty and Jen, if they don't buy it they're crazy." He said.

"Then I guess you better sell them on it, work your magic."

"Well, that's going to be hard to do when she's married."

Ella rolled her eyes and let go of his tie, satisfied with her work.

"Speaking of wedding, do you know what color you would like to wear to the wedding this weekend?"

"I don't know, does it matter?"

"Of course it does, I need to get your tie and my dress to match."

"I don't know, black?"

Ella glared at him, hands on her hips and he laughed. Reaching down to pat her lightly on the cheek.

"You choose." He said moving around her.


Ella moved out of the kitchen into the living room with a vase of flowers and he waited until she was gone to steal a cookie.

The doorbell rang and he moved to the entryway, Ella meeting him there and sticking out one hand.


"The cookie, give it."

Rolling his eyes he handed her what was left of the cookie he stole and she pulled open the door.

The couple on the other side was newlyweds looking for their first home, married for nine months and six months pregnant with their first child. Jen was glowing and Marty had never looked so happy as they crossed the threshold.

"Jen, Marty, come in and see your new house," Rex said with a beaming smile.

"Well, maybe...if the price is right," Marty replied.

"Oh, it's perfect," Jen said her face lighting up even more.

Marty glanced at his wife as Ella smiled brightly motioning towards the kitchen.

"Why don't we go have some cookies?" She offered.

"Oh, I'm starving," Jen replied.

"I thought so."

The two women disappeared into the kitchen while Rex showed Marty the rest of the house.

After an hour of the couple walking through the house, Rex met up with Ella in the kitchen. The couple had remained in the living room discussing their options.

"She really loves it," Ella pointed out.

"It's a nice house."

"It would be great for their family."

"Yeah it would, I don't think Marty is sold."

"It's out of their price range..."

The young couple entered the kitchen, Jen hanging on her husband's arm as he took a deep breath.

"We love the house it's just...well it's over out budget and...I just don't think it will work."

"It has one more bedroom than you were looking for," Rex pointed out.

"I know and...we could use the room but with the baby and all...I don't think we can spend that much right now."

"We can go back to the apartment until she comes," His wife said softly and he smiled at her.

Rex glanced at Ella who smiled at the couple before giving him a very pointed look and nodding in their direction. He took a deep breath.

"I...I can't let you do that. Listen, if you want the house it's yours."

"But..." Jen started to protest.

"I'll knock off the additional amount and get you back on your budget if not under. I can afford the loss somewhere else."

"Oh Rex, we can't let you do that." Marty insisted.

"You can and you will."

"Thank you so much!" Jen moved forward embracing him for a tight hug, Rex doing his best not to let her protruding belly bump against him.

"We can meet back at my office and start the paperwork," Rex said when she pulled away.

"I'm going to go call my mom," Jen said happily as she exited the kitchen.

"Thank you, Thank you so much for doing this for us," Marty said shaking Rex's hand.

"You're welcome."

Marty hurried after his wife and Rex turned to his assistant who was packing up his briefcase.

"Happy?" He asked.

"Like you weren't tempted to do it yourself."

He shrugged, she was right Rex knew the asking price was high and while he didn't make this a habit it wasn't the first time he had helped out clients at his own expense.

"Since you don't need me back at the office I am going to go get you a suit and me a dress."

She closed her own briefcase just as Rex lifted a cookie from the plate and took a bite.

"Who is going to draw up all my papers?"

"Susan is there, you'll be fine." She replied.

She lifted her briefcase and walked passed him taking the cookie from his hand and finishing it as she went out the door. He shook his head and turned to the plate only to see it was the last cookie.

"Typical," He said with a sigh setting the plate in the sink.

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