Out From The Web Of Life

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Pragya’s POV

It has been three months now, yes three long months. Now I'm standing infront of the door, to see him. He the reason behind my deep thought’s dilemma. I didn’t dare to see him again, but I have to meet. Situation was like that. The scenario we faced in these three months, made myself to stay away from him.

Three months before…

I was sitting in Karan’s room sofa. I just wonder what made me to hug Abhi in such way. He was close to me, very close. We were in the same bed; if I had let me drown in those feelings then I couldn’t even imagine what we would have ended up with. I immediately broke the hug and composed myself and left his room, leaving him awkward.

My thoughts were broken by Karan’s phone call.
“Hello Karan?” I want to make sure whether it was the call from Karan, because I couldn’t tolerate Tanu’s voice again.
(Pragya, its Karan. I need to say you something important)

“Yes, tell”
(I'm sorry; I want the complications to end, so I decided to clear up things between us)

“What does it means? You gonna bring Tanu here?”
(Almost yes. I got signed you in divorce papers without your knowledge. I apologize for it. And one more things is I got-)

“You got married to Tanu. Right?”
(Err. Yes. How do you know that?)

“It’s none of your business Karan. When are you coming here?”
(Day after tomorrow. Along with Tanu)

“Ok, before you come, I would have left from here. Happy living”

Before he could reply I ended the call. I would have talked without any tense in my voice with him, but I was broken completely. When I heard the same truth from Abhi I didn’t felt this much pain than hearing it directly from Karan.

A day passed, I didn’t talk with anyone. I noticed Papaji was roaming with his lawyer, discussing about some serious issues. I didn’t bother it. I never interfered in any business related matters with any of the family members.

Strangely I didn’t find Abhi anywhere. He went out by morning and returned by late night, I'm not sure where he was the whole time.
The day arrived, and I got a message from Karan ‘We will be there by today evening’

I marched here and there with tense, how things gonna turn after Karan’s arrival with Tanu. I need to be prepared and at the same time I need someone’s help to handle the situation without affecting Papaji’s health.

I decided to share it with Abhi, but my thoughts stopped when I saw Papaji stumbled and rolled on the stairs fainting.
Papaji!” I screamed, couldn’t even imagine what would be the result of this.

Hearing my voice Abhi rushed out from his room and he helped me to aid Papaji. We took him to hospital immediately, not wasting any second.
I saw Abhi worrying and speaking encouraging words to his Papa, saying that ‘Everything will be fine’, I confused. ‘Did Papaji know about mine and Karan’s truth?’

More than my confusion, seeing Abhi in that condition was the worst. It pricked hard in my heart to see his tears. His world always revolves around his father. He missed his mother, while he came to this world; his mother had her last breath. ‘Please God, don’t make Abhi alone again. His father is everything to him. He can’t survive alone his life without his father’s guidance’

Unfortunately, things went upside down. It was a heart attack and it was severe. Doctor couldn’t save Papaji.

A big blow in Abhi’s life, I saw him stumbling towards the visitor’s chair near the emergency ward. His father is no more.
He sat on the chair like a lifeless corpse. I accompanied him and  just patted his shoulder. He didn’t cry he was shocked; there is no single drop of tears in his eyes. He was just frozen.

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