She Is Only Mine

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Pragya’s POV

I felt warmth over me, when I stirred from my sleep, my eyes were still closed, yet I felt different from my other mornings.

My head was resting in pillow, where it was raising up and down in a tiny motion and I could hear a beating sound with it. My one hand was close to my chest and the other was clutching a fabric tightly. Maybe I was holding the duvet. But when does it felt so soft? I snuggled close to my pillow, unknown to me it felt so comfortable and cozy.

I felt something over my forehead and it was too warm like my pillow and duvet. Slowly the haze of sleepiness started to fade, I felt that I was wrapped by something and my shoulder was under the hold. Feeling confused, I slowly fluttered my eyelids and adjusted my sight to the morning brightness.

And the actual view came infront of my eyes.

The cozy pillow was none other than Abhi’s broad chest, and my hand was clutching his shirt near its collar. His one palm was over my forehead maybe he was caressing me for helping me to sleep, and his other hand was wrapped my back and holding my end shoulder. I was secure and safe in his embrace.

My gaze examined his face. It was so-so close to me; I have been this close three days before, in the car while he kissed my cheek. Today it was different, his eyelids were tired, and his cheeks have the traces of tears, there are curves of tension in his face. Still he looked too innocent and calm.

I left my grip from his shirt and raise up to touch his face. I caressed his cheek gently and stared at him. My palm felt the heat of the body, it wasn’t warm actually it is his temperature which was burning due to the fever. The touch had disturbed his sleep and he slowly stirred and opened his eyes. Our eyes met and the gaze locked for a moment.

My mind started to think about the previous night by seeing his eyes. After hearing him saying that Karan had married Tanu, I had broken into pieces. He took hold of me and I cried out in his embrace. At that moment I had dozed off in and I saw Abhi’s face as the person who came to hold me while Karan left me in the dream. A kind of comfort that I'm not alone and Abhi was there for me, my mind shut into slumber.

Maybe after that, Abhi would have made me to sleep here. I remember my small blabbering ‘Don’t leave me and go Abhi’, that might be the reason Abhi was with me, the fear would have let me to hold his shirt tightly, as he too would leave me.

“Are you fine?” his voice broke my chain of thoughts. I looked away and then noticed our position.

I woke up abruptly and adjusted my dress. We were sleeping so close to each other, and he being gentleman had been with me throughout the night just to take care of me.
“I…I am…I am fine” I said by getting down from the bed. He looked embarrassed.

“You were tensed and I don’t know how to make you calm? So I was just resting near you PB. Nothing than that, I-” he stopped as his face expression explains he was thinking that I would misunderstand him and the scenario.

I knew he had kissed me, but I had always seen a glint of guilty in his eyes to behave like that with me, and that was more enough for me to trust him.

“I know. No need to think about that. I didn’t think wrongly”

He stood up and went inside the washroom; I looked at the bed once. ‘Never had I found this peace in my bed’

Then my mind remembered about his burning temperature, and realized he had fever. I stepped out of his room soon, and had a bath in my room. I wasn’t thinking about my pains at the moment. I knew some day I need to face the reality but I didn’t expect this.

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