Meri Biwi Officially

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Abhi’s POV

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Abhi’s POV

When she said ‘Marry Me Abhi’ I felt like my birth wish got fulfilled. I felt like newly born and being with her. I know how tough she would have gone through to say those words to me.

She was broken worse when she came to know about the bitter truth of her married life. I always liked her when she was my Bhabhi but later the likes turned to be desires of having her in my life and giving her all the happiness she deserved.

First time when she came to Australia, and when I confronted her why she was running out of reality, that she likes me and loves me, she said that she couldn’t believe her fate which would devastate her happiness. More than convincing her to give a chance for her life, I tried to make her understand that she wasn’t weak to accept the failure in life so easily. I wished to make her understand that she has a life ahead which she can live without bothering about the falls, but determinant to get up again.

I succeeded in that when I saw her representing our Mehra Trust for Women empowerment event held in Australia. She was so happy and she was brave enough to face her situation in her life. The Pragya I saw few months before was no more exists. Now this is my Pragya, who I expected to look for. She is finally backed to normal.

I couldn’t find words to explain her how much happy I'm, after hearing her confession and the proposal of getting married. I kissed her instantly, pouring my happiness in the kiss. The kiss was not filled with desires, which we always used to do. This time it was all of love for each other. Her insecurities broken and my loneliness vanished. I didn’t had any idea of having her now for pleasure, but all I feel was to have her in my embrace to love her lifelong.

I parted from the kiss; with heaving breath and both our cheeks has traces of tears. Happy tears. I was waiting for this moment and it happened finally.

She looked at me with a disbelief and her eyes was staring at me like ‘Am I dreaming?’. To make her feel real, I touched her forehead with mine and smiled. She too did the same.

Thank you for giving me a chance to live the life and love you. thanks for making me understand that sometimes second chance did works” she said me, and I knew she would say this.

I parted from her and holding by her waist. “Stop your thanking session. I'm selfish. So no need to thank me! I did everything for me. I want you, I need you, so only I encouraged” I said her the truth.

She chuckled immediately, wiping her tears “How could you be so adorable always, while saying the truth Abhi!” she asked me pinching my cheeks.

“That I'm. I have no answers for that. But you have your flight tonight naa?” I asked her upsetly.

Why she has to leave today, giving me the biggest happiness of my life. No I'm not going to let her return back India today.

“Always I used to bug you for staying here and you used to push me saying I have some responsibilities. Now you're asking this? What happened love sick Abhi?” she teased me with the truth

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