~*5*~ Don't Forget, You Need To Battle Your Schizophrenia...

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Chapter 5

I stared at him incredulously. I'm sure I had heard him wrong. Jackal stared at my blank face with a sad look on his own.

"No," I whispered, eyes brimming with more tears. And I thought I was out of tears. "I'm going to... I'm going to die?"

Jackal looked at me sadly as he nodded, but he stopped. "Well, he said it was possible. But he hasn't figured out how to stop it yet. But with every problem there's always a treatment," he said, trying to be hopeful.

"NO!" I screamed, throwing open the janitor's door. I stormed through the halls as tears continued to trail down my cheeks, and Jackal was trailing after me. "IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!" For a strange reason, I wanted to die, but I didn't want to at the same time.

"Ash! Stop screaming and get over here!" Jackal shouted, trying to frantically reach for me. I wasn't too sure where I was going, but wherever it was, it had to be away from the truth. I couldn't handle the truth, I can only handle what wasn't real, what wasn't there. It was my brain disorder, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew where I was going now. I was going towards my car, and then I would go to the gym and beat the sh*t out of a punching bag to release anger and maybe scream a little more. But I had to get away. Run. Flee. Leave. No one needed me here anymore. The longer I was around, the better chance I had at bonding, and causing pain when I died. I would definitely die. There was no question. Whether it was from the suicide I wanted to commit or my schizophrenia, that was all up to faith.

"I HAVE TO GET AWAY, D*AMNIT, JACKAL!" I screamed at him, hysteria creeping not so stealthily into my mind.

"You need to" - Jackal grunted. I looked behind me, conflicted and frantic. Jackal was flinging himself at me, ready to tackle me. I tried to push myself faster, but my hysteria was getting the better of me and he managed to tackle me. "CALM DOWN!"

"NO!" I screamed again as I thrashed beneath him, frantically trying to punch him in the face, hit him in the stomach, biting. But he knew me too well and had me completely pinned down. I still thrashed.

"What is going on here?"

I looked up with wide eyes to see a man was charging down the halls being Jackal's shoulder, looking perplexed and angered at the same time. Jackal looked too.

"Son, you don't go to school here. What are you doing sitting atop one of mine?" he asked. I'm sure he was the principal. I also noticed the loose string of people surrounding us, and a few of the kids I had met earlier were looking at me with shock.

I started to weep, much to Jackal and the principal's surprise, as well as the rest. Jackal knows I don't show weakness in front of people, and the principal and students hadn't expected it. "Sir, Asher is my... cousin and his mother asked me to tell him something, but he's not very good with news and freaked out..."

"Would you please tell me the news?" the principal asked, raising an eyebrow, his hands on his hips. My tears were trailing down the sides of my face and falling onto the floor in floods. I was so happy though! I was going to be with my Abby! I was going to see her again. She was my life, my light, my happiness. I needed her, I needed to feel her, see her.

"With all due respect, this is a personal matter," Jackal said, a warning edge to his voice. I just realized he had gotten off of me and was standing at least two inches taller than the fat, balding man. I was too happy, as well as broken to even do anything more than weep.

The balding man smirked. "I'm sure whatever you have to say can be shared with the student body."

Jackal glanced down at me, probably asking for my permission. My eyes were wide again, staring up at him and tears still leaking furiously. I made a small, barely noticeable nod. I didn't care if anyone knew, now. They could rot in hell, they could die. They were watching me as entertainment. Like I was amusing. I'd beat the guys if I felt like moving.

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