~*7*~ I Am Four Hundred, And You Will Do As I say...

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Hey, this chapter is pretty long, but it personally was my favorite to write, even though it's a little violent and a little weird.... the chapter name may be enough to explain it's really strange. And..... isn't Eric just adorable!!! he's in the sidebar underneath the cast thing, and check out the cast too!


Chapter 7

Asher's POV

It felt... strange to hold Izzy in my arms. She fit perfectly, pretty much as perfect as my Abby when she was around. I held her tighter. It was morning now, maybe six o' clock, and she was sleeping soundly. My mom had come in sometime in the night to tell Izzy she had to go home, but when she saw she was asleep, she called her parents and told them she was with a friend.

I had to go to the bathroom, but I didn't want to disturb her. But then again, she had to get ready for school. She'd have to wear some clothes that used to belong to Abby, which she left at my house when she slept over. Which meant they would be big for a fifteen year old Abby, and just right for a seventeen year old Izzy.

"Izzy," I whispered, stroking her cheek softly. She stirred some, moving her head on my chest slightly. I shook her slightly, causing her to yawn widely and open her eyes.

Izzy stiffened. Not worrying about it, I started to move her so I could scoot out from under her. Her head snapped up to stare at me, her eyes wide in confusion. I slipped off the bed and went to my closet to get some clothes for her, and for myself.

"You slept here last night," I called from my large closet. I dug through piles of clothes, and all I found were a pair of jean shorts and one of my shirts that I grew out of. "You might have to wear something of mine. I have some jean shorts - they're pretty short - that you could wear, and one of my shirts that don't fit me."

I heard the door creak open more and looked up to see Izzy standing in the doorway, her hand braced on the doorframe. She was rubbing her eyes and yawning slightly, a dazed look in her eyes.

"We didn't... nothing happened, right?" she asked hesitantly. I froze in my actions and looked at her with a serious expression, frowning. Izzy gasped. "Holy sh*it! We didn't?"

I couldn't help it. I laughed and stood up, handing her the shirt and shorts. "No, we didn't. You came in, fell asleep, and I did sometime afterwards. Remember?"

As I spoke I pawed through my many shirts. It was supposed to be hot out, I remembered looking it up. I just might wear shorts, but that would mean people would see the scars on my legs. Actually, you know what, those snobs at school can shove it, I don't care. I'm sure most of the school knows I'm going to die in a few months anyway, depending on if I can fight my disease and hold it off, and will probably be a bunch of donkeys when they see me. Not my fault.

"You should wear this."

I looked over at Izzy, to see she was holding up one of my shirts I hadn't worn in a long while, and one of my black basketball shorts, and nudging a pair of my high top converses with her foot. I rolled my eyes and snatched them from her hand, and then grabbed the shoes.

"Women and clothes," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Hey! I take great offense in that!" she shouted at me, coming out after me. I noticed she had put the clothes I handed her on the bed. I rolled my eyes again and pulled my shirt over my head. But the world hates me, and I ended up getting stuck somehow. I mean, it's a V neck shirt, how do you get stuck? I heard laughter, and I knew she was laughing at me. "Oh gosh, Ash, that's funny. Here, let me help you."

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