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14 years later
Phoenix p.o.v

Yayyyy I am get adopted today I hugged my bestfriend Raven I am so happy for you she said I wish you could come with me you would be the best sister I said hugging her more Raven has been my friend ever since I was getting bullying here and she helped me ever since I was three years old

I promised her I will come back for her but I know that she will be fine then the lady at the front desk call me up my parents were here I don't know what

happened to the ones that had me but it was okay if they want to really see me then they will come get me I hugged Raven one more time and I ran out waving at her SEE YOU IN SCHOOL she yelled as I ran out and I saw my new parents and 

Ran into their arms and smiled they hugged me I almost couldn't breathe but I was okay and happy but little did I know what I was getting into because when we got in the car my mom looked at me we are going to make your life a living hell she said and my dad laughed

2 years later

( Jade is Phoenix new mom and her dad is Drew)


I am so sorry father ( crying)
I will get ready

You better be unless you want to go to the wheel( slams the door)

Phoenix p.o.v
No no no no I can't go to wheel t-today I runs to get dressed

the author:
The wheel is a big wheel in the basement that her father her father chains her to when she has to get punished

Okay I have everything I need to go to school and I will wear my jacket to cover the cuts and bruises on my arms and some makeup on my face and go down stairs and I see my mom fixing breakfast do I get to eat this morning mother I asked she looked at me angry of course.... She said really I asked not she replied I looked down at I felt something hit the back of head It was my dad he pushed me backwards to the wall and mom didn't even turn back around you don't want the wheel do you

then you better leave he whispered into my ear And let my hands go that were pined against the wall and I ran out crying a little and then I stopped running and I went in a little store and I got a sack bar and ate it on the way to

school and I got there my first year of high school and I still have to wait till they open the doors I looked at my phone which was a tracker for my parents really and I just sat down on the ground next to the door and I looked around and saw the
the popular kids the jocks the cheerleaders the Nerds the Geeks the desperate girls that fall for the jocks the creeps and the normal kids

everyone was in little or big groups and I was by myself with no one well I should be use to it by now I heard the bell rang and I went straight to the principal

office and it was weird none of the students came in by me I don't really care I want straight to the principal's office like I said and got my schedule and my

locker and when I walked out her office and all the students were looking at me and talking to each other after I walked passed but I just went to my locker and I was

putting my stuff in my locker when one of the creeps walked
up to me and layed next to me

Hello there you looking fine are you new

Thanks and yes I am

Will welcome to our school well do you need anything

No I got it but thanks

Okay my name is Jasper
And you well be mine bye welcome again ( walking away)

What the heck what does he mean I will be his weirdo Anyway I have to get to class looked at my schedule

Phoenix schedule


Why history first well I don't have a choice I told the principal to tell the teachers not to announce me in front of the class because I feel awkward about it I can't remember I told him some excuse to get out of it

he said would tell them so when I walk to class I sat down like everyone else everyone started whispering to each other and class started I knew everyone

hated me because every time the teacher asked a question I put my hand in the air I would read a lot so this was easy-going when the school bell rang everyone ran out the door it was funny to watch because some of the kids fell trying to leave so early

Time skip lunch time

I was so happy it was lunch because I was going to the library to read a little because gym almost killed me so I got a book but ended up fall asleep on the nice cold table and I was woken up by the bell I went to magic and I was really into it

was all about God and Satan how they fight every 100 years and the biggest year was when they have a fight so big that it was a big crack in the world and who there was forbidden love

between Satan's son and gods daughter the story is how they fell in love and had a beautiful baby girl but they couldn't keep her they sent her to Earth so she can be protected from all the wars but she's supposed to come back and choose her paths evil or

good why can't it be both I asked the teacher smiled and looked at me who knows maybe she can handle both the bell rang and I went straight home after hi mother I said when I walked

hello you ugly Human being she looking at the TV and I went upstairs and I opened my door and walked in and layed down on my bed and closed my eyes for a while then I felt my hair being

pulled I looked up and saw my dad he was pulling me downstairs to the basement I tried to break free but I couldn't he knocked me out and everything went black

Hours later

I woke up and I tried to move but I couldn't move I was chain down to this big wooden wheel WHAT DID I DO WRONG WHY I yelled I saw my dad stand next to the table which he calls the table of pain classic

he walks over to me with an needle with a light blue liquid in it you came in this house happy he said what did we tell you when we got you that we were

going to make your life and living hell I started to cry and he took a little knife and starts carving something my arm and when he was finished he took the needle and stabbed it my arm it

was literally like walking in hell  when he was finished I black out again when I woke up I was in my bed and I looked at my arm

You can't be happy

Is what it said I started to cry and I cried myself back to sleep

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