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Phoenix p.o.v

All of you will remember who I am I'm not the girl that you can push around and teased and just forget about it anymore I am Phoenix no one in my life has ever listen to me ever respected me everyone will listen now I had no people in my life all of you do and you had to take that away from me so I'm taking your lives away from you my eyes turn black and I Rose I started to flow towards the ceiling I could really feel myself I really understood who I was I picked up chairs and tables and after you knew it blood was splattered everywhere everyone was almost wiped out except this one girl who shivered and fear she had glasses on a small blue dress and she was looking at me like I was the Devil Himself she reminded me of myself when I got here just less sassy and obviously a nerd I open the doors and I told her to leave and tell everyone what she saw here and she ran I floated back down to the floor and my eyes to return back to normal my prom dress was ruined I was soaking in blood from my head to my toe I saw myself and some shattered glass and a light came from floor from under the glass and what came up was it angel she was all In White she had a Halo on top of your head and wings that were white at the top and black at the bottom and I look farther down her dress and they were black particles going up The White Silk I could not see her face it was covered but I could tell she was female her nails are also black and I looked back up in her Halo and there were dark jewels around it but the gold still shined she began to speak this could have been you you could have controlled Both Worlds you could have helped everyone instead you let the people who weren't there getting your way and they ruin things she took off her mask and it was me I was the Angel and Demons she continue to speak I am both of worlds I am an angel I am a devil and I am a human you didn't understand that you let the devil get inside and he bring out hatred you never gave god a chance to speak and now look at this mess I know you are so kind-hearted cuz when you look on this room you see a whole bunch of dead teenagers teenagers who had parents and grandparents and people who cared you wanted that and you made a mistake I'm telling you this because I want to end up as the girl I am right now not the girl that standing in front of me give God a chance to speak and you could rule all worlds you can keep peace and Harmony that's why you were born not so you can have friends not so everybody can respect you and listen the only people that get respect and got listen to are the people who spoke up and stand for the right thing you did not do that I am sad to say I'm future you but I'm also happy because that means in the future you made a good choice and she vanished right back into the floorboard I don't know what to say what to think what to do she was me I Ruled all worlds I can't do it I took that necklace off and threw it across the room I made a bad decision the devil came and grabbed me WHAT ARE YOU DOING he asked I'm making it right and I shined as bright as a light and now I was in a place where everything was in all white I was walking on a gold Road and I saw God sitting right in front of me it's about time I've seen my granddaughter don't you think he said with a smile I want to change everything I want to change everything to killing all those kids I want them to have another chance they're only Young please god spoke as you wish but you must return the favor I want you 2 enjoy your teenage years the reason your parents aren't here is because I didn't see my daughter as what she was and the devil son was not my favorite and I didn't take the time to see how good of a person he was the person she chose they died because of us and I don't want that happening to you I would change you I want you to take my throne and Earth throne but I also want you to take the devil throne me and him will be in a different time zone will be trapped just like prisoners it's the only way that I can make sure he won't hurt anyone else and you can take control I understand thank you you don't understand how much this means I hugged him and I went back when I came back the devil still had his hands on me but drop me immediately I looked at myself and I was the Angel and the demon and the human I was the future me already and I was ready the devil said NO NO YOU SAW HIM YOU BROKE OUR CODE WE HAD ONE FIRST HE'S THE REASON THAT OUR CHILDREN ARE DEAD the devil started to turn into particles KNOW IF YOU TAKE MY KINGDOM I WHO WILL RETURN AND I WILL MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE THE FIRST ONE TO DIE I WILL COUNT ON IT I WILL BET ON IT YOU CAN'T KEEP ME LOCKED AWAY IN A PRISON FOREVER and he was gone all the kids are woke the place was clean and the party continued because I was a God no one could see me no one knew I was there except this one girl in particular she ran back in and I knew who she was I walked over to her and gave her the power to see me and I told her she was the only one with this power she was the only one that can see a god I am sorry I look like the devil at first but we all come in different shapes and sizes I want you to help me clean up this world make everything different she nodded her head at me like she understand what I was coming from and went back to where she was in the corner of the parties alone and I can't let that happen I made sure one of the boys nerds noticed her and I left and I know you're wondering what I do with the kingdoms that's a simple answer I tore down both places and I made them into one all the bad people that came up to hell they did serve the time but eventually they moved on to Heaven they understood what they did wrong and when they could come and tell me what they did they were allowed into the most happiest and beautiful place I've ever seen and that's my story I was never the gods granddaughter or the devil's granddaughter but for a good part of my life I was the devil's daughter

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