THE ESCAPE :chap 6

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Writer Hey guys I wanted to know what to call you guys and thanks for reading

Phoenix p.o.v

I looked around and of course all I could see was Stone walls and that window and the door I know there at school because they would have checked on me by now I got up and walked straight to the door and was about to pull the door knob when I heard some people upstairs I twisted the knod or Now quickly realize it was opened but I didn't pull on it I turn around and went straight to my bed and sat down when I looked up at the window there was someone looking straight back at me but I could tell they weren't angry cuz he didn't see me at the door it must have been time to get out of school cuz I look at the door and ivory came through I knew it hasn't been 2 weeks which she said would be the last time she see me she came in and walk straight into my bed hi sweetheart she said Patty my head I smacked her hand away Furious that the fact she had the dignity to come stand in front of me you know I'm not tied up this time right so that means you say the wrong thing I will attack you and then you little football players will have to run down here to save the princess I say sweetheart are you mad with me then they haven't done anything to you must be nice but I came to ask you a question what do you want your story to be she asked me what story I asked looking her straight in her eyes if how you just disappeared you know everyone at the school is asking what happened trying to tie you to the Rebecca story which isn't wrong I mean she died on the same bed your sleeping on but you know maybe you'll last here you seem pretty Headstrong maybe they won't be too rough on you I mean it did kill her but she wasn't discovered she said smirking my eyes widen remembering what the kids said at school looking down at the bed you killed her I said looking back at her no I didn't kill her the football players did I feel bad for her I bet she's up in heaven running around but what do you want your story to be she asked I want my story to be about how I was at my locker and then I'll go to leave school and all of a sudden everything went black and I woke up in a chair tie together with a crazy freak in front of me a girl who think she has everything plan and control but she's just insane and her stupid football friends who is following her and her crazy plan and how I'm still alive and I will be back soon I said smiling why you little fine I mean it needs a little bit of work but sure that can be your story she said turning walking away and I was all confident knowing tomorrow Alex gate but then she said something that frightened me next time you try to escape you'll end up just like Rebecca she opened the door and walked out just like that but she didn't know what she was talking about she's going to leave and so will I be right out of this house round this crazy place tomorrow

THE next day

I woke up and looked straight up and saw nobody I got up and when to the door and opened it and it was a long hallway and I started to walk and I got to the end and saw the door yeah it was going to be so hard to escape I thought in my mind repeating ivory words then I saw the doorknob twist I had to think of something quick I was not going back in that room I remember my acrobat classes that I had to take or I wouldn't be able to dodge main things I do at home I looked up and I saw two bars I jumped up and lay acrossed the Cold bars then a male came walking down the hallway going straight to the door and I heard siren go off I need to think of something a distraction to make them think I already left the man came running back down the hallway on the phone SHE'S GONE SHE'S GONE SHE'LL TELL EVERYONE WE CAN'T GET BUSTED FOR THIS the man yelled I couldn't hear it with other person would say but they were arguing back and forth NO WE CAN'T GET THIS COVERED DOING THIS IF WE GO TO JAIL YOU'RE GOING DOWN WITH US then the phone call ended they all rushed back out of the house looking around I got down about to run out the door when someone grabbed my arm no I won't go back and it was Daniel I won't make you I'm not going to put you back in there I just wanted to say I'm sorry and you are right I am no true friend you're not Rebecca I shouldn't have done that to her either but when you leave you need to run as fast as you can get away from here don't look back even if they see you run slip into an alley somewhere they will past you and you go to school the next day and you tell everyone you can tell about me as well I'm going to get help though I won't be there I'm going to therapy and rehab for this he let my arm go and I ran I ran and ran I heard voices behind me I can hear them but they were very quiet there go get her now I heard feet behind me but I ran faster and faster until I got to a shop at turn into the shop the football players ran right by me I walk back out of the store looking both ways they weren't there I walked home and little do I know I walk straight back into hell WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU KNOW THE RUlES AROUND HERE my father right there at the door like he knew I was coming and slap me right across the face I fell to the floor YOU IDIOT I screamed excuse me ma'am he said I said you idiot you don't care about anyone but yourself and your dumb wife and you treat me like this I am your child no I was your kid and you treat me like this like I am nothing when when I was the one to save your careers even after that I am nothing I got up and I slapped him instead and I passed him and went straight upstairs at the top of the stairs was my mother you DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE LADY YEAH YOU SAVED OUR CAREERS AND YOU WERE WORTHLESS THEN AND YOU'RE WORTHLESS NOW she yelled she push me back down the stairs I tumbled and Tumble and when I got to the end everything went black and I had a vision it was blurry but it was still there and it was slowly coming to focus


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