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Phoenix p.o.v

I woke up for school and of course I woke up to my dad yelling at me and slapping me and I got dressed and walked straight out because I know my mom won't let I eat she looked at me and I didn't look back she was the last person I wanted to see and they couldn't track me because I put my phone in my locker and I plan to leave it there and I walked to school and when I got there everyone was looking at me and I was a bit confused but I sat down by the door and today I decided that I wasn't going to run in like last time I was going to walk in because I was the only one who went in when the bell rang I started reading a book when someone walked up to me it was one of the cheerleaders

So you love it don't you all the students looking at you

Umm no I don't I'm just confused why all you were looking at me for but I decided not to care

Yeah sure just know I run this school so I will come for you

Oh so your the principal and trust me you can't make my life anymore a living hell then it all already is

You have no Idea who you are dealing with I am lvory Captain of the cheerleaders and I can make sure you have the worst school year

(I got up) thanks for giving me your school background but I don't care if you send a hit man on me I will still be here I promise that and the bell rang bye miss Captain of the cheerleaders I bow down like I was meeting the queen and I turned and I walked in laughing the look on her face was like she was actually going to explode it was amazing to see someone is angry I could get I walked to my locker and went to class and I started shaking and having a headache and I fell before getting to my desk and someone caught me

Hey you okay

Yeah I'm so sorry and thanks for catching me

No problem I am just happy you didn't hit the floor (I helped her sit down) I am Daniel by the way

Well Daniel Thanks again and I'm Phoenix

Your welcome I have to go see you around Phoenix

Bye Daniel

And he left and on The back of his shirt was a 85 he was a jock
And he helped me wow now I have seen everything I never thought that would ever happen at they be kind enough to help anyone the teacher and students started to come in and sit down

Time skip to lunch

I was at my table by myself like always in the far corner of the lunch room I wasn't going to eat today even if was the only thing I going to eat today at all I just sat there and read my book then I felt some one behind me I turned around and see this girl who looks like one of the cheerleaders and they dropped there food in my head and started laughing with all the other students and I was mad I was tried of them treating me like this so I got up and looked at all them and the one who saw stand out was Ivory


Aww is the little baby going to cry *laughing*

Not this time *slaps Ivory*

Ivory falls back and everyone laughs I grabbed my book and went to the bathroom and clean up myself a bit and I had to go to class I left the bathroom and looked to my left and saw Ivory yelling at some of the cheerleaders and all of them put their hands in the air and walked off Ivory saw me looking and I laughed at her and how her plans back fired and went to class

I tried to do 1,000 words but it wasn't happen

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