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Irovy p.o.v

I have to get her back everyone has a secret I have the perfect plan her little book she always is writing in it must be her diary
I can get into her locker and read out loud to the whole school

At school

I was talking to the popular kids when I saw her walk up the stairs and sit down by the door I was going to walk up to her when I saw her arms they look  like there were cuts,bruises and Brun marks on them she put her jacket on so you can't see but I didn't care I was smiling at the fact that see had them she getting what she deserves when the bell rang she got up and walked inside and she dropped something but didn't notice I walked over to were she was sitting and laughed at the cover "this is to easy  Phoenix's secrets she is so stupid
She just left it here like it was nothing she said I can't make her life a living hell we will see now will we

Time skip to lunch

I was talking to the popular boys and we were going to come up with a plan to take her down "January 17
Today is just a other today when I wake up to my dad yelling at me and his wife laughing and when they left I got up and Wash and got dressed for school the only place were I can get away from them I just don't understand why they treat me like this they are rich and famous people but they have to treat me like a poor girl they have on the sidewalk I hate them"I read out of the book the popular boys laughed and I smiled at my thoughts I know exactly what we were going to do the boys started listening to her as she told them the plan they all agreed on it and at the end of the day it will happen

Time skip to the end of the day

Phoenix p.o.v

Where is it I can't find it anywhere no no no no no I didn't drop it did I hope someone doesn't find it I was about to walk out the school thinking were I left my book and I felt something hit my head and I fell to the ground and everything when black and when I knock out I had a crazy dream

In Phoenix dream

You can't be with him ever he is SATAN son why can't you understand that

Because I am his lover I don't care about his family or past I care about him and only him

End of her dream

I Woke up in a dark room with one light over me and above me on the wall was a window there are three people looking out of it straight at me I couldn't make out who they were my vision was still blurry and then a door open there was a girl it only took me a few seconds on my vision to come back and I realize who she was IVORY I yelled at her anger just rising and my body she had a book yes sweetheart she asked in a sweet little voice like she was innocent I hated her why am I here I asked her she started laughing you are here because you thought you could come after me you thought you were you could take over my school and you can't the first day I talked to you you said I couldn't make your life more of a living hell than it already was but little did you know I could she threw the book in her hand in front of the chair it's sid on the floor in front of me I look down and read the cover Phoenix secrets why do you have this how did you get this I asked her it was easy someone was trying to Rush in the school and drop something I want to be a good friend and go pick it up for you so I walked over and picked it up and I thought this is too good to be true you be so clumsy so I met with a few people and we made a plan to knock you out she slowly walked towards me drag you here and keep you here then we'll let you go home and then when you get there daddy is going to be so mad and beat you and beat you and beat you for not coming home at all isn't that what you want she said smiling felt my body getting hotter and hotter inside like I was about to become a dragon and just kill her but I calm down I had to think how am I going to get out of this I looked at my hands and legs they were tied together to this chair I looked up at the window again and I made out to 3 characters it was the football players but there was a new character a fourth character Daniel I almost wanted to cry the boy I thought who was nice was really evil he look like he had a sad and Confused look on his face looking back at me but he turned his head shook it and walk off like he didn't see anything Irovy came in my face knowing I couldn't touch her I couldn't break free don't worry your boyfriend doesn't care he won't tell she laughed my boyfriend I looked at her like she was crazy yes reminding me another reason you are here Daniel is mine not yours not anyone else's and you are never allowed to talk to him ever again she said you can't tell me who I am and I'm not allowed to talk to I don't want to talk to him anyway I seen the person he is she bent down to my level and look straight into my eyes trust me just because he caught you in the class before you most fell on the floor doesn't mean he wanted to talk to you either it doesn't matter she said smirking just like you doesn't matter that's why you do this cuz you feel like I'm a threat you feel like if you don't do this a knew girl going to come and take over your school you're scared of me and you know it see you hired football players to come after me cuz you know you couldn't do it by yourself I guess we both thought I guess we both were right and I guess both of us know something but let me tell you this I might seem like an innocent little girl and you might have read my diary and everything else but you have no idea who I am you have no idea who I am capable of and you have no idea what I could do to this place you and your little football players up there at the window and never get caught for it that's something you should be scared of not me I said looking her straight in her eyes she got Furious she stood up and slap me right across my face you can't tell me what to do you're the one tied down to this chair you're the one who can't escape and don't ever compare us cuz I'm the one that has a loving family I daddy who's rich mama who's famous and what are you have two parents were rich and famous but doesn't love the stupid child they got from the adoption center because her true parents didn't love her and put her in there do you even know why your father and mother got to in the first place they got you because they needed a good image they thought we just need a good image something that will really get the crowd attention a kid from the adoption center that nice they got you use you and now beat you almost to a bloody pulp those the best parent ever she said laughing clapping her hands usually people would help kids like me help get out of the situation especially if they're rich and famous and have the best parents NO people like you come after us make our lives more difficult than it already is do you take pleasure in that am I really that big of a threat to you I asked starting to have a headache no sweetheart you're not a threat to me but I did have to show you who was in charge that's why you're here obviously you don't catch on quick so let me just shorten it down for you will be abused beaten slapped way harder find my football players you may even get raped who knows but you will have a rough experience in here and then you can leave after about 2 weeks maybe more if my football players really like you and then you can go home and get the same treatment she said with a big smile like it was all fine and dandy when she knew it wasn't she stood up and walked to the door and she turned around and look back at me with a little smile and said don't worry sweetheart I'll tell them to give you the worst treatment possible and then I'll see you in two weeks and don't try anything funny because you can't escape you might not can tell from the basement but this is a big house so if you get out the little ropes around you will go upstairs to a maze where you get caught and put down here again maybe even with a little bit of bad treatment bye sweetheart I'll see you in two weeks she said as she closed the door waving goodbye I look back up to the window and the football players were gone I was there all alone tears streamed down my face and my headache started hurting more and more I blacked out but I can still feel the anger inside my body rise more and more

First I wanted to say this one is 1734 words and I am so proud also if you are reading the store while I'm updating it or have come reading the story slowly I hope you love this book I put all my real emotion into it and anybody who's getting hurt or abused at home take my advice and tell someone it will change your life have a good day

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