WICKED :chap 7

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Okay first I want to say that the reason I put a descendants song at the top it's because look at the title it was just perfect also I love that movie but besides that let's continue on with the story

In her vision
Phoenix p.o.v

My vision cleared up slowly I saw two places one of the places was dark red with a castle in the middle that was light red and the other place was white was a castle that was why Tangled I didn't know where I was until I felt my body get up and walk towards the red Castle my mind was telling me no but my body

kept moving then something flashed and I was in the castle standing in a room with a demon hello my sweet child or should I say granddaughter the demon turned around granddaughter I

asked and look curious but I was worried on the inside yes my granddaughter I am sorry I should have formally introduce myself I am Satan Lord of hell but you can call me Grandpa he's smirked you're not my

grandfather I don't even know who my parents are I said looking down see granddaughter you are getting out of place your father and mother is a tragic story but if you really want to know who they are I don't mind telling you he said looking straight into my eyes you knew

who they were I asked what's my child but the real question is do you want to know they are he was about to turn around again yes please I said sitting on the ground waiting for him to start

talking again well the story is very long but I'll shorten it down  13 years ago you were born but many years before that my son the prince of hell and God's daughter the princess of Heaven

fell in love or that's what they called it but sadly they became Too Close even after me Satan and God told our children they couldn't be together then you came you beautiful thing he got closer and closer as he talk but

they knew you would die here you are a part human part Angel and part devil but you would never know how to control those powers and me and God was going to war they made a plan to

send you the Earth I didn't know where they put you on Earth so I couldn't send for you sooner my darling but I knew one day you'd

become angry enough that I could sense your magic he came right in my face and was handing out something I took it was a medallion but sadly they died

there was a is Observatory in the middle of hell and heaven they were in there and a explosion happen they died together in there he said I'm looking at a big glass window after walking away do you miss him I asked regretting my words as soon as they escape my lips he turned

around and look straight at me like he wanted to kill me right then and there but he knew I was useful for something no I don't miss him he was nothing but a disgrace to me you will learn

very quickly being part demon we don't have many feelings for people like them who have are always happy who's always party for no reason we have since we don't have anything to do with

love and happiness he turned back around you know I have a deal to make with you you can see it in my eyes can you ask yes I could I said well here's my deal this is a once-in-a-lifetime

opportunity it is the evil one but it is a good one you said still looking out the window watching something for someone what is it standing up I will give

you the power to control your magic completely like you were trained and to come visit me or this place or God anytime but may I tell you God is nice yes but

SATAN'S GRANDDAUGHTER Where stories live. Discover now