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Phoenix p.o.v

I was so excited. I couldn't be more happy to today was the day that I would show them that I am not something to mess with. But first I had to go to homecoming, which I never been to one, so be my first and my worst since I'll be causing a problem, but they put it on

themselves first. I was down in the basement. And I could see every that could never see from the wheel. I looked at the table and there were multiple things my father was a doctor so he could get anything he wanted from the lab or from the hospital. That's another reason why I hated coming down. Who knows what

he brung home, just stick in my arm or abuse me with it was the worst thing ever. I see everything I see rat poison mixed with. Something else I don't even know what it is. But the reason I came down here is to take it all down. I will make this a room where I practice my powers. satan

gave me he was my true father. I burned everything to the ground. Whole room was empty. I went upstairs. I set up the room and it was perfect. I looked at the time and it was 6 o'clock time really does fly by when you're working. I ran a upstairs and grab my phone. And everything I needed and I went straight to the mall, even though I hate wearing

dress I had to make sure it was the best dress that they would ever seen it would draw all the attention to myself, no one not even the popular girls, not even the cheerleaders could look away. I looked around and I saw a few things. But this one dress? It was beautiful. Um, ma'am, can I buy

this dress? I asked the lady behind the cash register, she started laughing a little Making me kinda nervous. So who are you getting married to? She asked, smiling. I started to laugh a little to not getting married. It's for my homecoming. I answered her. Well darling, you must know this is a wedding dress, not a homecoming one, and it will be more expensive.

She said taking the dress out of my hand and putting it on the counter I understand I told her, giving her a small smile. Well, since you are going to be looking like the best thing there, and a angel, you can take it for free, she offered no thank you, I would love to pay for it. You could probably use it more than I could. I answered handing her the money have a good day. I called out to the lady as I left. but sadly mall shopping wasn't over.

Don't get me wrong, I am like any teenage girl I love to come and shop for things, but I mostly a tomboy, I don't wear fancy dresses and high heels. This was the only occasion and the last occasion. I found some black heels to go with the dress. And it was on the way walking out the store until one pushed me the dress almost hit

the ground, the good luck I  caught it, I turned around and saw the worst person in the world ivory. Oops looks like someone fell I hope you're okay she said walking off I'll be okay after homecoming I answered as I turned my head you are going what Tom boy gos the homecoming. Not unless you're going to make a fool out of yourself, then sure come on, she said,

turning around to me putting one hand on her hip. I turned around with a smirk on my face. Oh, trust me I'm going and it will be the best homecoming I've ever been to said turning walking straight to my car and something In my mind was telling me to go run her over, but I said no it is best to wait when I got home I tried on the dress, which only and was very long but I could manage. I couldn't Sleep that

night tomorrow was homecoming, I mean. How do you sleep when you realize tomorrow is your homecoming. Finally, I was able to go to bed after just freaking out over the fact. while I was asleep, I had a dream. I woke up I was back in that castle. I saw Satan thank you Satan, thank you, thank you, thank you I said of course, my daughter I saw what he was going to do and I couldn't let that happen, but you do realize

that I will have to get something in return correct. He asked I sat down on the ground on. Yes, I do realize, and that's another reason, why I am here right What do you need I asked then he Disappeared and reappeared, right. In front of me, I need one thing from you, you have multiple powers you don't know, how to control not only mine, a demons power. But I a angels power. And I need you to combine both for those powers to help me defeat my one and only

enemy God. He answered. sitting down in the throne that was right behind him You
want me to defeat God, the one old mighty that created both of these worlds and the world above this one how am, I going to defeat him I asked in shock at what he was saying. Does he know who I am? Im the girl, got abused and then went evil for like seconds and than came back to

reality you can do it my daughter because I'll be there with you but first you need to be granted you angel power that you can also control. we we need to let God know you exist. so at this homecoming, I need you to do the worst of the worst as you plan he said Not a problem, I answered I will be the worst of the worst, no matter what there's a lot of people there who I plan to do the worst things, too for

what they've done to me, I answered again, standing up looking him straight in his devil eyes filled with joy and snapped back to evil. Good remember? I will take away your power. Don't let me down girl, do you understand, he asks, standing up walking back to the window looking out of it like he was watching something This will happen the way

you want it to he said. Then it went black. And I opened my eyes. My bed now. It was the day of homecoming. The best day ever happened. I got up washed off and got ready for school I'm leaving my dress here and I'll come back and change before going because I know all the girls especially the cheerleaders and Iory will try to

come after me and mess up my dress but I'm not letting it happen I got to the door and I will opened it and I walked out I stood on the patio this will be the best day ever and also the worst because I will make sure they rot in hell forever

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