Chapter 4- A Psionic Perspective

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Zuluc pov.......

Zuluc was a weak Psion when he was in the empire.When he joined her grace........he was enlightened.He was shown that the darkness could be controlled.He was shown some of its power in a short time. Why use the light when you can use the darkness?

He was tasked with the assassination of a target.He never asked questions for this was her graces wish.

He was sent out very far away from the base.To be honest,he was glad.After what he saw......He needed to get a way for a little bit.

Zuluc walked up to the gates of a giant manor.Two guards stood at the front gates.The guards noticed his arrival and shouted for him to stop.He had no emotion.He did not stop.

He summoned two giant void energy balls.They flew onto the two guards exploding on impact.The two guards were knocked out on the floor.

Then came the gates.All he did was summon a arc wave of energy.It pushed the gates open with such power.One of the gates flew off towards the manor.

Guards saw the door fly of and fired at Zuluc. The bullets merely bounced off Zuluc. He pulled out his pistol and fired.Knocking out the guards in seconds.All they needed was one shot.

His weapon was embedded with a new power.The power of the darkness.

He walked up to the manor doors and opened them.No guards were there.This would be easier then Zuluc thought.

The manor seemed mostly empty.He walked through the manor and to the mans office.

He opened the door to see the man at his desk.He had a frame on his desk with a mug.He was looking out at the night sky through his window.

Man:So,you have come to kill me.

Zuluc stood in one place.

Zuluc: Yes.A man a high as you in the Atlas military must be taken out to continue our.....plans.

The man sighed and stood.

Man:I am not ironwood.I don't have as much power these days in the military.Besides,we were already dealt a blow to our armys at Beacon.You were there. Weren't you?

Zuluc clenched his fist.He lost a lot during that fight.His friends,his brothers,his empire.....The man seemed to noticed this.

Man:I see.I'm guessing you lost something there.Family?Friends?A leader or someone dear to you?

This got Zuluc mad.

Zuluc: Shut up. Worthless human.

The man chuckled.

Man:I see I hit a nerve there.So,I know lots of your people died.How many of you are left?

Zuluc was getting even madder.He remained silent.

Man:Wait,are you all that's left?Who do you follow now?Don't tell me.....

Zuluc finally exploded.


He used his psionic power to knock the man back against his desk.Zuluc pulled out his dagger and ran at the man.He landed a blow right in his chest.The man looked down at the stab in his chest and fell to the floor.

Man:So,the rumors are true.Your race of whatever you are were ok with death.With killing.

Zuluc looked down at the dagger in his hand.

Zuluc: My people fight for a reason.To survive.

Man:But your not with them anymore. why do you fight now?

Zuluc thought he knew the answer. For her grace.Now that he thought of it more,why did he follow her?No.he shouldn't think on this mans words.

Zuluc: I do not care what you say human.

The man didn't respond.

He looked down at the man.The mans eyes were closed.He was gone.

Zuluc: One blow?Pathetic worm.

Zuluc turned towards the exit of the manor and left back towards the base.His mission was done.Onto the next part of the plan.......

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