Chapter 6-The Crows Return

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I stood looking at Qrow blocking the attack.The man jumped backwards and created space between Qrow and him.Ruby got off the floor and stood behind Qrow looking at the man.

The man seemed amazed to see Qrow.

???:As I live and breathe! Qrow Branwen.

Qrow looked at Ruby asking her who he was.

Ruby:I don't know.This guys weird.

Qrow looked at the man confused.

Qrow: Who are you and what do you want?

The man was shocked.

???:MY dear friend,my name is Tyrian! And I work for her grace.

Qrow: Salem....

For some reason the name made me shudder.


Tyrian: I think we've talked enough.

He crouched in a battle pose.

Qrow:You took the words right out of my-

Tyrian flew at Qrow and they clashed.They jumped around the building fighting one another.Everyone moved to try and help Qrow.

Nora shot off grenades,ruby shot snipped shots,Jaune tried to defend them and Ren tried to help with cover fire.I needed to help so I ran towards Tyrian with my darkdrinker in hand.As I started to run I froze.


I fell to the floor clenching my chest.What was that?


I was confused and scared.I couldn't control my body.I couldn't even move.I was stuck on the hard,old,street watching the fight in front of me.

Y/N:What do you want?

The voice didn't respond.I looked around at Tyrian just tearing through everyone.

Y/N: Let me help them!I need to!

The voice was silent. Everyone started to back up towards me. Jaune turned to see me on the ground.He backed up towards me.He crouched down and talked to me.

Jaune: Whats wrong?Are you hurt?

Y/N: I.......don't.......kno-

I heard the clash in front of me. I looked back towards the fight to see Ruby running towards Qrow and Tyrian. Ruby aimed her Crescent Rose at Tyrian and fired.But he was to fast. He ran at amazing speed directly at Ruby. He was just about to strike her when Qrow jumped between them. I was glad she was ok.

???: IT IS DONE.

I felt the pressure on my body disappear. I stood up. What did the voice mean? I heard a scream of pain. I turned to see Qrow looking down at his chest. Tyrians tail stabbed Qrow right below the heart. He fell on one knee as Tyrians smiled. But her cried out in pain as well. He let his guard down and gave Ruby the chance to strike.

She shot off his stinger.

He backed up in pain,yelling. He was not happy.

In all this chaos,The voice spoke to me again.


I felt a sudden feeling of exhaustion go over me.I looked over a Qrow on one knee and Tyrian running away one last time before I collapsed on the floor and blacked out.


Zavala stood in the control room of the newly formed resistances base of operations on Titan,Sloane stood across from him,along with the guardians who helped with all there most important situation such as the taken war,The titan Garret and the hunter Emma.

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