Chapter 5-Cracks and Friends

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We started out journey early the next morning.I got some sleep,even though I didn't need it.We set of for hours,everyone walking.It seemed peaceful.We didn't find any Grimm as we walked.I was deep in thought thinking about one thing.

Could this all have been avoided if I didn't show up?

The Cabal came because of me.It gave the white fang a advantage. Innocent people died because of me.

I stopped talking over the next few days.

The next day......

The days started to go by faster and faster.We had been on the road for about a week now.Everyone seemed focused on there own goals.They all wanted to get to Haven though.

One day as we walked,me and Ruby started to slow down behind the group. are you doing?

Y/N:As well as I can.How about you?

Ruby:Oh,you well as I can.

We were silent for a moment.

Y/N:Listen,once we get near Haven,I have to......go.

Ruby was confused.I could tell by the look on her face.

Ruby:Go? Go where?

I looked towards the Vex Spires in the distance.

Y/N:There.Its my fault there here.I have to stop them.

Ruby:You don't know its your fault-

I stopped. Ruby looked back at me.

Y/N:I'm the reason Beacon fell.The Cabal came for me.I'm the reason my Ghost died.I'm the reason Yang lost her arm.I'm the reason Pyrrah.......

I couldn't say anymore.

I looked down at my hands.The black gloves were wet with the rain drops.I took of my helmet.and looked at Ruby.

Y/N: This journey has given me time to think.If I didn't come here......

Y/N: That's why I have to go alone.

Ruby: But those things are to strong for you alone!

Y/N: I've fought them before and I can do it again.



Ruby:Your not fighting them alone.Were a team remember?

Y/N: I don't think you-

We heard someone call for us.

Nora: Ruby!Y/N! hurry up slow pokes!

I looked farther down the road to see them waiting.

I looked back at Ruby.She had a tear going down her face.

Ruby: We've lost to many good people already.I don't want to....I can't lose you to.

Y/N: Ruby I-

She shushed me.

Ruby:Well talk more about this later.

She turned and walked back to the others.I put my helmet back on and followed her.

She didn't understand the vex like I did.She would never understand.Well,maybe......


She still doesn't understand the Vex.I can't let anyone else get hurt because of me.

I though about this as we continued on.

Next day.........

The next day was silent. No one talked. I still hadn't gotten my chance to talk to Ruby again either.What she had said to me the other day really made me think.
I came out of my thought and heard Nora.

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