Chapter 8-The Grimm Of The Night

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The roar was loud. It stretched miles and miles away, but I could tell that whatever made the sound was close. This power I was feeling reminded me of the taken. But Oryx was dead. There were no taken here. I hoped at least.

After catching my breath from my heart attack, I ran back to Ruby and Jaune. I was worried. The city around me seemed completely empty still.

When I finally got back to the center of the town. I saw that Nora and Ren showed up. Everyone faced a monster surrounded by mist in front of them. I ran up to them, handcannon ready.

Y/N: I can't leave for ten minutes,can I?

A Grimm walked out of the mist. It had two front clawed legs with two hooved back legs. Two giant arms hung off its sides. A horse stood in front of us, sharp teeth moving as we looked at it. I saw twitching on its back. A hunk of Grimm darkness rose of its back. It looked like a human? It had a human face with sharp teeth and two long horns sticking out of its head. The two arms from before now rose and pointed at us. It stared us down for a few seconds.
The horse ran at top speed in our direction. We all doged it just in time. it ran past us and stopped, turning around for another run. This time it saw Qrow under the tree. Jaune noticed this and rand to him. He lifted Qrow up and started to run.

The horse was just about to follow when Ren shot at it. The horse turned to Ren and charged at him. As it ran, it threw its arms at us, throwing us around and knocking us to the floor. I was able to doge it for a little while. Eventually it grabbed me. It threw me into a building next to the fight. When I hit the building I slid off its wall and fell to the ground. I looked back at the building to see the huge dent I left in its wall. Before I had a chance to think about what to do next, the horse tried to grab me. I doged it again, but this time it grabbed Ruby, throwing her into the ground. As I stood back up from my throw, I heard Jaune call out to us.

Jaune: Guys! Run around it!

The horse didn't care and threw its arms at Ren grabbing him. This didn't stop Ren from running though. We ran around and around the creature. With each turn, the creature tried to grab us. Everyone shot at it as we ran. As Jaune started to move in for a jab at its leg, I tried to distract the creature with gunshots, but just as I pulled the trigger, I heard the click of my gun. I was out of ammo.

Jaune ran at its leg for a slash but his weapon cut right through it like the horse was made of mist. It knocked him back in anger and rage. I thought for a second while I could. What weapon could I use? My handcannon was out, a gjallerhorn may hurt the others, then it hit me. I pulled out my newest and coldest weapon, the coldheart and aimed it at the horse. I shot its legs where Jaune swipe went through it. Surprisingly, the gun started to work. I saw Small icicles form on its leg. Eventually the bottom half of the leg was frozen.

Best present ever.Thanks Ghost.

The monster roared in anger. I pulled on its leg and tried to get it free. Jaune saw this as a opportunity and ran at it, slicing through it again. This time, the monster roared in rage. It broke free of the ice and looked around at us. The horses human/Grimm rider curled up into a ball. He grew sharp,straight plates on its back. It opened itself back up and roared as loud as it could. Everyone covered there ears. The sound it was making could hurt. I could tell. The beasts roar didn't effect me though. Years of fighting the hive taught me better.

Ren seemed to be the first to snap out of its effect. He ran at the large tree behind us and shot at the monster from on top of it. The horserider roared in anger and grabbed Ren. It threw him into a large clocktower. It started to charge up its other hand to finish him when I saw Nora start to run. Just as the horserider was about to strike Ren, she jumped between them. She made the other arm smash into the wall next to Ren. The beast roared in anger and let them go. Ren and Nora jumped back down towards us. The horse and its rider backed up, making space between us. It paved back and fourth waiting for us to make our move.

Ruby: Ren! me and Jaune can handle its arms!

Nora: I can handle the horse.

Y/N: Ill handle the legs.

Ren: And i'll take care of the rest.

Ruby and Jaune ran opposite sides of the monster distracting its hand and trying to pin them down. Ruby let her arm chase her and jumped up into the air. She fell back down to earth right on top of the hand,pinning it to the ground with her Crescent Rose. Jaune and Ren comboed the other arm. The monster arm swung at Jaune and just as it was going to hit him, Ren jumped on it with Jaunes shield. Jaune ran up to the pinned arm stabbing it, making sure it was stuck.

Next was me. I ran at the beats while its arms were stuck, freezing the legs with the coldheart. The monster couldn't move anymore. And just to make sure the horse wasn't making noise, I froze its mouth.

Then Nora came along. She stood at the top of the clocktower, looking down on the creature. She did a drop with her hammer and smashed into the horses head. The horse fell silent.

Ren walked up to the now unmovable horserider and stared into its eyes. The horserider roared in his face. Slowly,one by one, Ren caught of its arms.Then he stabbed its chest. The beast yelled in agony. Finally, he ended it with a stab to the head. The beast fell silent for good. It started to evaporate into the dust all Grimm were made of.

Ren sighed a breath of Relief. Nora ran to him and they hugged. I smiled under my helmet. I hadn't fought anything like that since the SIVA crisis. It was a good battle.

Just as the dust cleared, I saw the ships start to fly over head. Looks like they got a ride. Just as I was about to go and join them, I stopped. I looked off into the distance. The Vex tower was looming above. I looked at the tower, then at team RNJR. My mission was done. I helped them get to where they needed to. Besides, they would never let me go alone. Even though we took down this mighty Grimm, a Grimm was nothing like a Vex.

I decided it would be best if I just left. For there safety and mine.I looked around for a piece of paper and luckily found one on the ground under some rubble. I pulled it from the rubble and wrote a note. Just to make sure they knew where I went and, I wrote a goodbye, just in case it came to that.

I caught up to Jaune right before they left, and told him to give the note to ruby on the flight.

Jaune: Wait, why can't you just give it to her?

Y/N: Listen, its a long story. Basically i'll be catching up to you guys. Go ahead.

Jaune: wait a minute. We said were not leaving anyone behind. I meant everyone-

Y/N: I'll be there in a day, I promise.

It took a while, but I finally got Jaune to let me go.

Jaune: just be careful. Please.

I smiled under my helmet.

Y/N: I'll be back soon. I promise. oh, yeah. don't tell Ruby I left. just give her the note. She has enough to worry about.

Jaune: Yeah, I understand.

I walked off after that. Jaune was a nice guy, he cared for his friends a lot. I could understand that. For him, and everyone else I would be back soon. I left the city just as the ships flew off. I looked back at the ships one last time, then looked towards the Vex spire looming over me in the distance.

Y/N: Time for answers.

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