Chapter 7-Split

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I layed under my tree,armor on. I didn't sleep at all last night. All the stuff Qrow told us.... It was a lot to take in. I saw everyone start to wake up and put there sleeping bags away. I knew it was time to move again. As I started to stand I heard Rubys gasp. I ran over to her. She stood right in front of her Uncle. Where his slash mark once was, purple liquid dripped from the bandages. I had never seen a poison like it. I looked at them all.

Y/N: we need to move. Fast.

We all made a stretcher using extra materials from the surrounding forest and extra gear we had. We lifted him onto the stretcher and Jaune and Ruby carried him. I walked in front, clearing the way with my handcannon.

We walked for hours. The trees around the path quickly turned from light green to nothing. Dead trees and bushes littered the path. While we walked,Qrow sputtered nonsense in his dreams. We needed to hep him.

Ruby: How much farther? We have to be close.

Ren: Without the map its hard to tell but I think were coming up on something.

Ren ran past me towards a group of signs.I ran after him to see what the signs said. It led us to a fork in the road. One way leading to a town crossed out on the sign,while the other led us to Mistrol.

Nora: Look! It says Mistrol! That means were on the right path!

Ren: Not exactly. The path leads us through the mountains. I don't know if we can all survive that journey.

He looked towards Qrow as he said this.

Ruby and Jaune put Qrow stretcher down and ran up to us.

Ruby: Well.... what about that place? Kuroyuri?

She pointed the the sign that was crossed out.

Ren: That village was destroyed years ago.

Jaune: If it takes us around the mountains its the best way to go.

Ren: It will take to long.

Ruby: There had to be a doctor there.Maybe we can scavenge for medicine!

Y/N: Maybe at least some more resources to continue.........

Jaune: Right!

Ren: We won't find anything. We just have to press on.

I could hear the tension in his voice.

Jaune: Ren why are you acting like-

Nora: We can split up.

Ruby: What?

Nora: Me and Ren can head through the mountains while you guys go to the town.

Jaune: No we stick together. We keep each other safe.

Nora: we don't have time for safe! If we make it through the mountains we can come back for you. The same goes for you guys.

I could tell they didn't want to go there. We needed to hurry so I made a quick decision.

Y/N: Fine. I'll take point. You two handle Qrow. Well be fine.

I turned away before they could respond. They reminded me of scared guardians,afraid to move on there first raid. this time though, I thought there was something more to there need to stay away.

We said our goodbyes to Ren and Nora and set off. I just hoped we would be fine with half the manpower.

After a few hours of walking through the harsh environment we made it to this abandoned town. The entire city was lined with a wall but it seemed that didn't help them in the end. The entire city was destroyed. I looked behind the city and saw the giant,lurking spire of the Vex growing the closer we got to it.

We entered the town to silence. We walked through the long deserted streets to find nothing but rubble. We finally entered the center of the town. A giant dead tree stood in the center looming over us. Ruby and Jaune set Qrow down right below the tree as we set off to look for supplies. Long story short- we didn't find any.

We searched for a little while finding nothing. We met back up with Qrow at the center of the town. As Ruby walked up to her uncle to make sure he was ok, we heard a Grimms roar far off in the distance.

Y/N: you two stay here and guard him. Ill go secure the perimeter.

They both nodded to me as I walked off.

I secured the perimeter in about 15 minuets. No Grimm to be seen. As I started to walk back to them, I froze. I felt something. It wasn't the voice. This was a feeling...... like the darkness. Thats when I heard it.

A roar in the distance.

Zuluc pov......

I had successfully completed my mission. To be frank, it tarnished my abilities. I made the journey back to the palace with ease. Grimm didn't attack me, humans thought of me as a monster. It was nice.

As I walked into the Palace, I saw the psychopath, Tyrian run past me. I believe he was, crying? This was going to be good. I started to speed walk after him to hear of his failure.

Tyrian burst through the gates to the arena where Cinder had been training. Her grace stood talking to Cinder as Tyrian and I walked in. Tyrian trembled and fell to his knees muttering to himself where I knelt with honor and dignity. She walked towards us.

Salem: Were your missions successful?

I turned to Tyrian.

Salem: Is she disposed of?

Tyrian:......No. But I did get a stab with my stinger on Qrow! He won't be a problem to you anymore.

She remained quiet and stared at me.

Salem: And you, Zuluc?

Zuluc: Mission complete. Target has been killed.No survivors to tell the tale.

Salem: well done. I shall call on you when you are needed again.

I stayed keeling.

Zuluc: Of course, your grace.

As her grace started to leave the room,Tyrian spoke up?

Tyrian: Did I make you proud?

She stopped in her tracks and gave a glare at him. She showed no emotion.

Salem: No. You have failed me.

I grinned under my mask. Oh the humiliation! It was rich a Cabal could do a job better then one of her best!

As she left the room, Tyrian cried on the floor. I stood up and left the arena and returned to my room, where I awaited my next orders.

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