Chapter 9- Where To Next?

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Ruby pov......

We landed in Mystrol last night. When I got on the ships heading to Mystrol I stayed by my uncle Qrows side the whole time. I hadn't seen anyone else since we killed that giant Grimm. The night after we landed in Mystrol, I got some sleep and decided to go check on my uncle. I walked into the room. We were sharing a room just so I could make sure he was safe. I walked up to him and smiled. Her was fast asleep. I think we made it just in time. I could tell that the poisons effects were wavering.I was glad he was ok. I was glad we all made it.

I decided to write to Yang about how everything was going so far, I knew she would worry.

I wrote the letter to her and told her of the crazy adventure we had. This was definitely something she would have loved.

As I finished writing my letter, I stood up. I was just about to walk out of the room when I saw something drop out of my pocket. I looked down to see the letter Jaune gave me late last night. I was so worried about Qrow I forgot to read it.
I sat back down in the chair and opened the letter. It was only folded one time down the center so it was easy to open. As I opened the letter, I quickly knew who it was from. It read:

Hey,you may not have noticed yet but, I left. I went to chase some answers and I couldn't let any of you come with me. The journey we've been on has been long and hard. Its been tough to all of us. You guys need a break but me, I'm a guardian. We don't need breaks. All this chaos that's happened, its been partially my fault. That's why I had to leave. This battle isn't your worlds,its mine. Don't try looking for me. I don't even think you guys know where I am but, if you do, please, don't follow me. the enemies that I face are horrible. They can erase you from TIME! yeah, scary. The last thing I wanted to say is, I might not be coming back. These machines could kill me,imprison me, or just erase me from existence. This is the only way to get back my powers I lost and finally get some answers. So, I guess this might be goodbye. I've never really been good with them so, I guess....... i'll see you again sometime?



Great. Just as things started to be good he went and pulled something like this. Well, there was only one place he could have went. I looked outside at the giant tower in the distance. Why didn't he understand that we were a TEAM?! I sighed and called Jaune.

Jaune: hey! how's Qrow?

Ruby: He's getting better. Listen, get Ren and Nora together.

Jaune: Why?

Ruby: because where going on a rescue mission.

Zuluc pov......

I was called to the grand hall,or the meeting room for short. When I entered the room, the first thing I noticed were the machines were gone. She was the only one there.Her grace. She sat in her throne waiting for me. she smiled as she saw me enter.

Salem: sit.

I sat across from her. This reminded me of the time we first met.

Salem: tell me, do you know why you are here?

Zuluc: no. I do not.

Salem: I have some question I need answered about this.

she reached down and grabbed something. She layed it on the table. The Touch Of Malice layed in front of me. Its sheer presence stunk of darkness.

Zuluc: That is the Touch Of Malice. The weapon the guardians were able to make by killing......

I went silent. i did not wan to repeat his name aloud.

Salem: Who?

Zuluc: Or......Oryx.

I could feel the darkness in the room grow thicker as I said his name.

Salem: Tell me, what did he want?

Zuluc: He wanted to take us all. Turn us into his own twisted version of perfection. He wanted to see the light crushed.

Salem: Did you ever meet him?

Zuluc: Meet the taken king? No. Never. Only one ever met him that I know of. The guardian who is stuck in this world with us.

Salem: did he seem... powerful? Like he wanted to achieve his goal no matter what?

Zuluc: why, he was a god! Of course he was.

Salem: One last question. DO you see any similarities between me and him?

I thought for a moment.

Zuluc: You both have a passion to fulfill your goal. You both also have power and followers. You also harness the powers of the darkness as well as make plans that are extraordinary.

She sat there in silence for a moment probably think about my answers.

Salem: That will be all. You may leave.

I stood and bowed before leaving.

Zuluc: Of course my grace.

As I started to leave the room she stopped me.

Salem: actually, one last thing.

I turned back to her.

Salem: What was his one true goal?

Zuluc: To destroy the light. Just as you.

Salem: Thankyou. You have given me something to think about.

I left the room hoping I had helped her. Oryx the taken king was not a topic to be taken lightly. I thought of one question I wished I asked her.

Why did she want to know about the taken king?

Watts pov.......

Watts sat in the office of the headmaster of Haven. Salem spoke more highly of him when he last talked to her. The man gave him a drink as they talked business.

Watts: Thankyou for the drink. She did always say you were more civilized.

He smiled. All according to plan.

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