Well done Sokka! *Sarcastically*

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Recap: "Okay..winter solstice, got it" Soph cheered

One problem...the temple is in the Fire Nation" Lydia said


Sophia POV

"Er...the Fire Nation?" Aang asked scarily

"Yes the Fire Nation...you will face many problems on the way there but do not worry you are the Avatar, Aang and you are the Legend, Sophia. Together you can do anything" They encouraged us

"Alright we can do anything even get into the Fire Nation" I said, Aang nodded in agreement. He has become a lot more serious over the last few days but he still is a goofy kid. "How do we get back to the human world"

"Hayby can lead you" Hayby came out of bamboo and lead us back to the spirit gates.

"Thank you" Aang said on behalf of both of us. We sat under the portal and soon after we were back with Katara, Sokka and Toph. 

"So did you calm the spirit?" Sokka asked immediately, oh so no 'are you guys okay?'

"Yes we did....Roku also said we have to visit his temple on the winter solstice bu-" I was cut off by Sokka

"Okay...so that's tomorrow?" Sokka said

"If you'd let her finish you would find out that the temple is in the fire nation and you guys are not coming...it's too dangerous" Aang said

"I'm coming" I piped in

"Fine but you guys aren't I don't know what I'd do if you guys got hurt" He said

"We can talk about this in the morning it's too late" Katara said, we all retreated back to our room and fell asleep.


I was awoken early by shouting...in the morning. That is a big no-no, especially this early. I stood up and stretched, reaching for the sky. I stumbled outside and saw Aang shouting at Appa. I walked over and stood my ground beside them.

"Why are you yelling at Appa?" I complained

"He won't budge his big butt" Aang said

"Maybe his 'big butt' is trying to tell you something" Sokka reasoned

"Aang, please don't go. The world can't afford to lose you to the fire nation, and neither can we" Katara stated.

"But Avatar Roku told me and Soph to go to his temple on the solstice so he and Lydia can talk to us, and that is today" He said

Secrets Until Known... (Avatar Aang Love Story) Book 1/3Where stories live. Discover now