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Aang POV

It has been 4 weeks since I was discovered in the iceberg at the North Pole, Princess Yue found me and got their tribes' best water bender master to teach me, his name was Master Pakku. I picked up everything really quickly and I mastered it. But right now I am in the city of Omashu with my old friend Bumi, who is actually the Earth King of Omashu, and he taught me the basics of it. I am going to the Omashu Boarding school to learn, fire and the rest of earth bending. Appa and Momo are coming with me. How long was I in the Ice berg for?

Sophia POV

Today it has been 5 weeks since I was discovered at the Northern Air Temple, well actually I wasn't discovered more like I came out of the Legend State (Wonder how long I was in that thing for?), I had already mastered Air and Fire bending, so I went to Omashu and some Badger Mole taught the basics of earth bending. About 4 weeks ago my senses sensed something weird like it was very important but I don't know. Though right now I am in training with Badger Moles, they taught me how to sense vibrations in the ground and now I could tell you your heart rate. I am going to this boarding school in Omashu to finish my bending training. Mimi, my flying bison and Mizuki, my baby dragon are coming with me. I don't think I am supposed to tell you this but I am the Phoenix. The most powerful firebender in the world. Even more than Fire Lord Ozai.

Katara POV

Omashu. One word could describe this place....boring. Nothing happens here. Me and my brother are from the Southern Water tribe but came to Omashu to go to the boarding school as my Gran Gran couldn't handle us, our mum had died and dad was at war with all the other warriors. I am a water bender and Sokka is a warrior and so is his girlfriend, Suki. I don't really want to go back to school mainly because I don't have any firends really except Sokka and Suki but this year I can finally learn water bending, appartently in this school you have to be 14 and over to learn how to bend unless you are really important or you pay them. I am really anxious and a tad scared because last year, a lot of people made fun of me because of my water tribe uniform but there are lots of water tribe people here....well actually there is only a few from the southern water tribe, most are from the North.....maybe only 2/3...ok 2, me and Sokka. My life couldn't get better.

Toph POV

"Toph..sweetie come here please?" My mother called from downstairs. I walked down the stairs and along the long hallway to the lounge room.

"Yes Mother?" I said sweetly but really it was killing me inside out.

"I...well we are sending you to a boarding school in Omashu" She said. Wait what!

"What! WHY! I don't want to go to School!" I said my voice raising.

"Calm down..and well we want you to have an education and we don't have enough time for you here" dad said started

"But on the good side...we have paid for you to master earthbending at the school" Mum continued.

"Sweet thank you!" I squealed. I had already mastered it but they didn't know that. Badger moles taught me and they taught me really well because we are both blind.


Prologue here it is....hope you liked it!

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