Mini Ladd - Higher or Lower

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"Alright, lads, Mini Ladd here, and today I'm joined by the wonderful (Y/YT/N); say hello, (y/n)," Craig said as he waved and looked at the camera.

"Hello!" You said happily.

"What are we playing today, (y/n)?" He asked.

"Higher or Lower! While drinking!" You laughed slightly.

"That's right, we will be taking shots, so, you all know how this shit works so let's get right into it," he said, starting the game up, "So, (y/n)."

"Bring it, Craig."

"Does David Beckham have more searches than "To Kill A Mockingbird" at 450,000?" He asked.

"It's David Beckham! Of course, he does!" You cheered, "Higher!"

He clicked higher, "Holy shit! 1.5 million!"

"He's a hot dude," you stated, smirking.

"Yeah, sadly he is," he laughed.

"So, Mini. David Beckham has 1.5 million searches, is domestic abuse higher or lower?" You asked.

"I'm gonna say lower," he said.

"You sure? It is a big topic," you said, trying to confuse him even though you knew it was lower.

"Yep, lower!" He said, clicking lower.

"Only 33,100 searches? Dang, thought it'd be more than that," you said.

"Yeah, me too... Anyway, Kobe Bryant, does he have more or fewer searches than domestic-"

"Higher," you said cutting him off.

"Yeah, I'm thinking you're right," he chuckled.

"1.8 million, damn son," you laughed.

"He's a pretty popular guy," he said.

"I have a feeling you may lose now," you laughed again, "Do you think Usain Bolt has more or fewer searches than Kobe Bryant?"

"Fuck, both are pretty popular..." He groaned.

"But, the summer Olympics already happened... And I don't think Usain is gonna be out shredding the half pipe," you said, smirking.

"Get that smirk off your face," Craig said, looking into the camera.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks," you said, continuing to smirk.

"LOWER!" He shouts, clicking it.

"You dumb ass," you laugh, "The whole world watches the Olympics!"

"For fuck's sake!" He groaned.

"Take a shot, pretty boy!" You laughed.

"Fuck," he groaned again, filling the shot glass.

"Bottoms up," you smirked. He took the shot, shivering and groaning after. You laughed, clapping and leaning back in your chair.

It was the end of recording Higher or Lower videos for both channels, the two of you being somewhat buzzed. Craig lost both videos so he was drunker than you.

"(Y/n)," he hiccuped.

"Yeah, Craig?" You asked, stretching in your chair.

"I like you... I really, really like you..." He said, looking into the camera.

"Awe... Craig, I really, really, like you too..." You said, starting to blush softly.

"D....Did you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" He asked, starting to blush, too.

"I would love to, Craig..." You said, smiling and hiccuping.

"I better get some sleep so I'm not groggy tomorrow, I," he hiccuped, "I'll see you tomorrow night when I pick you up, okay?"

"I'll see you then," you smiled, waving shyly. He smiled and waved back, then ending the skype call.

After knowing Craig for three and a half years, and liking him for three years of that. He was everything you had ever hoped for in a guy. You thought it would take a lot longer than it has, but you were lucky to be one of the people that found their prince charming in life. 

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