Lui Calibre - Receipts

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It was a normal day at your daily cashiering job at the grocery store that was down the street. It was ten minutes until your shift ended. You saw a group of guys walking towards your register with a basket full of bags; what kind of bags you ask? Bags full of gummy worms; name brand, store brand, the kind you get from the fill your own bag section- any kind of gummy worm you can think of. 

The guy carrying the basket had sleek black hair that was mostly hidden under a beanie, full mustache and beard; he had a basic black t-shirt on, with a red hoodie, and some dark blue skinny jeans. He was laughing with his three friends while he put the basket on the conveyor belt, then turning back to his friends and talking in a hushed tone. His friends huddled around him, the group unusually quiet. You shrugged it off and went back to your current customer who had been digging through their purse for their store rewards card for the past five minutes.

"I know it's in here somewhere," she assured while continuing to dig through the big black leathered bag.

"That's alright, ma'am. Take your time," you said with a half smile while secretly wishing she would either find it or just give up on the search into Narnia that was her purse. You couldn't help but bring your gaze back to the group of guys who were now silently and somehow patiently waiting behind the woman who was adamant on finding her rewards card- like, give it a rest, lady; two were on their phones, while the other two just stood with their hands in their pockets while looking around the store.

"Found it!" The woman cheered.

'Finally!' You thought. "They're always hard to find."

She handed you the card while not even making eye contact, you scanned it and handed it back to her. She thanked you and then paid for her groceries, going to the end of the other conveyor belt to start bagging. The basket full of gummy worms slowly made its way toward you, causing you smirk slightly while starting to scan all of the bags.

"So, if I may ask, why so-" you started.

"Gummy worms are my favorite!" The guy that was holding the basket earlier said in a little kid voice. You stopped scanning and looked at the man slightly confused as the voice didn't match how he looked.

"I see," you said.

"Don't worry," he laughed, "We're YouTubers, I'm Lui- that's David, Marcel, and Craig." He pointed to each of the guys. You nodded slightly, still confused as to why they're getting this many gummy worms.

"We're doin' a gummy worm challenge," the tall one- apparently named David, said with a strong Irish accent.

"Oh," you giggled, "How does one win this challenge?"

"By eating the most gummy worms," Marcel said, leaning against the conveyor belt.

"So, you're going to count all of these?" You asked, impressed by their dedication.

"Eh, more of how many bags; there are WAY too many worms in here to count all of them," Craig said.

You nodded again, carrying on with scanning what felt like the millionth bag of gummy worms. The guys started to talk about other videos they could record, a lot of it going in one ear and out the other.

"Damn, Lui; 357 dollars worth of just gummy worms!" David laughed.

"Damn right, Nogla," he said, handing you four one hundred dollar bills. You shrugged and entered the 400 into the register, the drawer popping open.

"Would you like your receipt?" You asked while getting the change from the drawer.

"Only if it has your number on it," Lui said while leaning against the register. You looked back at him, a smirk plastered on his face.

"I don't see why not," you said, taking the receipt off of the printing machine, taking a pen and writing your name and number on the bottom with a smiley face. After handing him the change and receipt, you reached over and shut your register number light off. You signed out of your register and removed your name tag.

"Where are you going??" Craig asked.

"I'm done for the day," you said, smiling- thankful your shift was finally over.

"Maybe we could have you come over later? Some of the other guys we film with are hosting a huge gaming session and pizza night," Lui said, shoving the cash into his wallet.

"Shoot me a text and we'll see what we can work out," you said with a small smirk while walking to the break room to get your coat and purse.

You did, in fact, go over to their house and tried playing video games with them. After an hour of watching you struggle, Lui decided to help you learn how to play them; and within a matter of hours, you were a pro. That night was the start of beautiful friendships and an even more beautiful relationship with Lui. 

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