BasicallyIDoWrk - Finally Found

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"I have had this ring since I was 16, (Friends/Name). How have I not met the right one yet?" You asked your friend, (F/N) while walking around VidCon where your favorite YouTuber- BasicallyIDoWrk, was walking around.

"You'll find him! Just because I found mine at age 24 doesn't mean you will! You're 26, almost 27! You have your whole life ahead of you!" She said, smiling.

You sighed heavily, "I guess," you said, bumping into someone, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

The guy turned around. "Oh, I'm sorry! I should've looked where I was going!" He said.

"No, no, it's my fault! Are you okay?" You asked, then stopping- recognizing the voice to be Marcel's. "Oh my gosh... I just bumped into BasicallyIDoWrk..." You muttered to yourself.

"I'm perfectly fine! Are you okay?" He asked, smiling.

"Oh yeah! I'm totally not dying on the inside because I just bumped into the guy that saved my life..." You said, playing it off slightly- screaming on the inside.

"I'm Marcel," he chuckled slightly, holding his hand out for you to shake.

"(Y/N)," you smiled, putting your hand in his.

He smiled, shaking your hand. "It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)," he said.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Marcel," you smiled, looking over where (F/N) should've been- but they were gone. You sighed, starting to feel a warm tingly sensation on your finger.

Marcel looked at you and smiled. You adjusted your ring slightly.

"Sorry... Just bugging me..." You said, looking down at the ring; it heats up more. He looked down at his ring and them back to you. You gulped heavily, still looking at my ring. "I-Is yours heating up too...?" You asked.

"Yeah... It means..." He said softly.

"Y-You're..." You said softly, looking up at him.

He smiled big, hugging you tightly. You hugged back.

"Finally," He said, hugging tighter.

"Finally..." You said, kissing his cheek lightly. He smiled, pecking your lips. You smiled bigger, running your thumb over his cheek softly.

"Where have you been all my life?" He asked.

"I should be asking you that," You said softly, running your fingers through his hair, "I was starting to lose hope..."

"So was I..." He said, kissing your head.

"I was actually going to stop looking when I turned 27..." You said softly, biting your lip.

"And how old are you now?" He asked.

"I turn 27 on Saturday," you said, looking at the floor, "So, tomorrow..."

He smiled, "Then I'm glad I found you before you stopped looking."

"Me too," you smiled, holding his hand, "Where were you off to before I hit you?" You laughed slightly.

He chuckled, "Nowhere."

"Seems like we were both going nowhere," you smiled, "What would you like to do?"

He nodded, smiling. "I'd like to get to know you..."

"Maybe we should get somewhere quieter?" you smiled.

"OMG. WHO THE FUCK IS THAT WITH MY HUSBAND?!" Someone shouted, sounding like a girl who was 14-18 years old. A few seconds after. She was right in front of the two of you.

"First off- YOUR husband?! You're like 14! You still have two years before you get your soulmate ring. Marcel is MY soulmate. If you think you can call him YOUR husband without a soulmate ring burning your finger, then you gotta go through me- got it? I'm not going to think my ten years of searching for my soulmate was wasted so some kid can steal him from me. No fucking way. Now go- leave us alone." You harped at her. She glared at you then walked away, stomping her feet.

"That was hot..." Marcal whispered in your ear, chuckling.

You turned to face him, smirking slightly. "I finally found you, I'm not letting you go," He smiled and kissed your cheek softly. "C'mon, let's go get something to eat..."

He nodded. You walked through the crowd of people, holding onto his hand tightly. You chuckled to yourself.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I can't believe the guy who saves me from suicide is my soulmate..." You said softly.

"What?" He asked, stopping and turning you to look at him, "What did you say?"

"I'll tell you when we're sitting down and it's quieter," you said, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.

He sighed, nodding. You pecked his lips, then walked out of the packed building and down the street to a small cafe. The two of you walked inside, sitting at a table.

"What do you want to know about first?" You asked.

"Everything." He said.

"One thing at a time," you laughed slightly.

"Okay, tell me about yourself." He said, smiling.

"I'm from Tennessee, was depressed from age 17 to age 23, attempted suicide twice within that time, and I have two older brothers," you said, leaning back slightly.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why what?" You asked back.

"Why were you depressed? Why did you attempt suicide?"

"Stuff that was going on at the time... Suicide because I thought it was the only way out until I was on YouTube and got a new suggestion menu..." You said softly.

"Then what?" He asked.

"I found you..." You smiled slightly. He smiled, kissing your hand lightly. You smiled a little bigger, leaning back in the chair. "Oh, I totally forgot! We have to exchange the rings!" You said, sliding yours off.

"Oh, right!" He said, sliding his off. You held yours out for him, the ring being a little too big for you. He took yours and gave you his. You slid it on your ring finger- it fit perfectly. He slid his on and smiled. You smiled, intertwining your fingers. He squeezed your hand lightly.

Marcel looked down at his watch, "Shit, the guys and I have a panel at 5:30. Did you want to come to watch?" He asked, it already being 4:45.

"I'd love to," you smiled.

"Great! Let's go!" He said, getting up and holding his hand out for yours. You took it, getting up and following him back to the convention center where you were going to meet the rest of the crew and enjoy the new chapter of your life with your finally found soulmate.

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