Group - Pizza Night

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"Sorry I'm late, guys! Bossman needed me to stay an extra half hour because my afternoon replacement called in sick; when I left they still didn't have anyone there, but they had someone on their way," you called into your four bedroom country home where the guys were staying for the weekend.

"Do I smell pizza?!" You heard Tyler shout.

"Maybe!" You shouted back, hearing all nine of them shuffle from the living room, that they had made into their gaming center for the weekend, into the kitchen from where you were in the laundry room that was adjacent to the kitchen; trying to balance the stack of five pizzas in your hand while taking your shoes off and putting your bag down on the small bench by the door to the garage.

"Do you have beer, (Y/n)?!" Brian called out, being shoulder deep in the fridge.

"Try the fridge in the garage? If not there, try the one in the shed," you said, entering the kitchen.

"Okay!" David and Brian said in unison, taking off for the garage.

"Here, let me help you," Brock said while taking the pizza boxes from you and setting them on the island.

"Thanks, Moo-moo," you said with a small smile. Brock was always the one who helped you out when the guys visited and was the last to leave, whether it be helping clean up after dinner or to help you wash the bed sheets.

"You're-" he started to say before getting cut off by Evan; "What kind of pizza did you get?!"

"The normals- cheese, pepperoni, meat lovers," you said, getting down paper plates that you know most likely won't be used, except by yourself, Brock, Marcel, and maybe Craig.

"Do you think this is going to be enough? We haven't eaten since you left this morning," Marcel asked, standing beside you.

"It better be! Five large Domino's pizzas aren't cheap!" You said, looking over at him.

"Damn, do you want us to split some of it with you?" Craig asked, feeling his pockets for his wallet.

"No, no, no," you said, waving him away, "I love when you guys visit. It's my treat to you guys."

"I wish we could visit more, you have a great place where we can go out and throw a ball around and not feel like we're going to break a damn window," Lui said, grabbing a slice of cheese from over your shoulder.

"As long as you don't break my windows!" You laughed, grabbing a plate and grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"No promises!" Evan said, grabbing two slices of meat lovers.

"If you break it, you buy it..." You said, walking over to the living room and sitting down in the navy blue recliner that's big enough for two.

"Can I sit next to you, (y/n)?" Jon asked, standing in front of you with a plate with two slices of pizza and a beer.

"If you go get me a beer, yes," you said, watching what Tyler was doing on your Xbox.

"On it," he said, setting his bottle and plate on the side table next to the chair. He almost jogged into the kitchen, grabbing one of the bottles and jogging back.

"Here you go, (y/n)," he said, handing you the bottle and sitting beside you.

"Thanks, Jon," you said, popping it open and taking a sip of the cool liquid.

You looked around the room; Tyler, Marcel, and Brian on the main couch, Lui and David on the smaller couch, Evan had pulled a bar stool from the island to sit on in between the two couches, Craig and Brock sitting on the floor in front of the three on the couch, and Jon next to you in the recliner. You couldn't help but smile, they were stuck with you, and you were stuck with them; but you're not complaining. You loved all nine of these guys with all your being; they were like your second family. You would do anything for them and they would do anything for you.

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