H2O Delirious - Teddy Bears

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Every month on the 14th since March of last year, Jon had sent you a Teddy Bear; it was now February 14th. You had gotten no Valentine's day texts, phone or Skype calls; nothing. Not even a bouquet of roses like the year prior, or chocolates and a card like a year before that. You had tried texting and calling him multiple times, it either went unread or to voicemail. He was never like this, so, being the female you were, you began to overthink it. Was he cheating? And of all days, today was the day he had to let it show?

You started to cry, thinking he was going to leave you. You called one of your best friends, Tyler, also known as Wildcat, to ask if he had heard from Jon. You sniffled as he picked up.

"Sup, bitch?" He asked.

"T-Ty, h-have you heard from J-Jon?" You asked, fighting back tears.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Tyler asked, sounding worried.

"Have you heard from Jon?" You asked again, taking a deep breath before.

"No, I haven't. Is something wrong?" He asked.

"H-He hasn't answered my texts or my calls. Not to mention he hasn't tried to get ahold of me all day... I-I have a feeling he's ch-ch-," you could barely say the word it pained you so much, "Cheating..."

"(Y/n), he wouldn't do that. He's an asshole but, not that big of an asshole. He might have overslept, we were recording late last night," Tyler said.

"I-I guess you're right," you sighed, knowing that he does that every once and awhile.

"Have you messaged him?" He asked.

"Believe me, I have, multiple times," you said sadly.

"Well, I'm not sure what you want me to do..." Tyler mumbled slightly.

"I guess just tell me everything is going to be alright, and that Jon isn't cheating on me and that he just overslept," you said, tears starting to roll down your cheeks again.

"(Y/n), it'll be alright. He isn't cheating, he loves you too much to do that. He just overslept because we were up late recording," he said.

You took a deep breath, sniffling.

"Repeat it back to me, (y/n)," he said.

"I-It'll be alright," you said shakily, "H-he isn't ch-cheating, he l-loves me t-too much for t-that. He j-just overslept."

"Good. Now take a few deep breaths and keep telling yourself that," Tyler said, "I have to go take a shower, going to take Kelly out to see some movie or some romantic shit, if you need me, call me. If I don't answer, call Kelly."

"O-Okay, thank you T-Ty..." You said softly, wiping your cheeks.

"It'll be okay, and you're welcome, this is what best friends are for," he said, "Okay, I'll talk to you soon. Maybe you can join us in the recording of Golf It tomorrow evening."

"Maybe, we'll see. Tell Miss Kelly hi for me," you said, wiping your nose on your sleeve.

"I will, and if Jon doesn't text you until tomorrow. Let me know, okay? I'll yell at him until he..." He started to say, you get a text.

You pulled your phone away from your face, checking it. It was a picture of a hand holding a Teddy Bear in front of your house door. You looked at who sent it; Jon.

"Tyler. He texted. And I think he's actually here. I gotta go, have fun with Kelly. Love ya," you said, ending the call quickly, all you hearing at the end is 'Love'.

You got up and checked the mirror by the door, your eyes were puffy and red, streaks going down your face; you wiped them and fixed your hair, taking a few deep breaths. After two years of dating Jon, you were finally going to meet him face to face. You walked to the front door, turning the knob and opening the door. You looked to the curb to see Jon with a big Teddy Bear and bouquet of roses.

He asked, "Did you really think I would go a day, especially Valentine's Day, without talking to you?" 

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