I Am Wildcat - Chicken Noodle Soup

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Today was one of the worst days possible; everything was going wrong. First, you dropped your coffee while walking into work; which got on your new pair of flats, your computer wouldn't turn on, called an I.T. guy to try and see what was wrong- somehow it got hacked and fried the hard drive. After being moved to a different department to help out until your department head could find you a replacement station, it was finally lunch time, nothing could go wrong on soup day, right? Wrong! You spilled chicken noodle soup all over your lap and down your legs, leaving you soaked. By the time that 4 pm came around all you wanted to do was cry and cuddle with your boyfriend, Tyler.

    Normally when you got home he was either up recording or in the living room watching some sports game- both making him rowdy and loud, but this time the house was quiet, almost too quiet. Maybe he was out? No, his truck was in the driveway. Taking a nap? Plausible...  While setting your bag down and taking your coffee and chicken noodle soup stained flats off, you heard a cough come from upstairs. He must be editing...weird, he normally does that later at night, not at four in the afternoon. You shrugged it off and walked upstairs, taking your top off and starting to shimmy your pants off to put in the wash right away.

    After putting on a pair of shorts and one of Tyler's sweatshirts, putting your clothes from that day and whatever else was in the laundry basket into the washer, you walked over to Tyler's office where the door was halfway open. You peaked your head inside to see him with his headphones on, his hair going every which way and his editing program pulled up on his monitors. Even with the day you had had, you couldn't help but smile from seeing him slightly frustrated while editing made him look even more attractive than he already was to you. Why? You weren't sure, but you loved it nonetheless.

    You walked over to him quietly and peeked over his shoulder to see what he was editing; Fortnite with Marksman, this man sure did love his Fortnite....but could you blame him? You loved it, too. Debating on whether or not to just leave him be or to bug him a little bit, you decided to bug him a little. You put your hands on his shoulders, sliding them down his arms to then wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek lightly. He tensed up slightly then quickly relaxed after realizing it was you. He paused the video and pulled his headset off.

    "Hey beautiful," he said in a calm voice, taking your hands and kissing the backs of them.

    "Hi handsome," you said, smiling slightly and kissing his cheek again.

    "How was work?" He asked while rubbing your knuckles with his thumbs.

    "Horrible....absolutely horrible..." You said, resting your head on his.

    "What happened?" He turned around so he was facing you.

    "First I dropped my coffee, then my computer got hacked and fried the hard drive, then at lunch I spilled soup on me, and to top it all off, I then dropped a huge stack of papers and had to pick them up and reorganize them," you sighed in defeat.

    "I'm sorry all of that happened, babe....but at least now you're home where I can give you all the loves you need and want," he said with a smile, pulling you onto his lap.

    "That's all I need and want right now....besides a shower that is, I smell like chicken noodle soup still- even after changing," you groaned.

    "Want to help me edit for a little bit then go shower? Or do you want to shower first then come help me edit?" He asked, snaking his arms around your waist.

    "I might go shower first then come help, what do you need help with even? The videos you edit are always amazing," you said, putting your hands on his arms.

    "I feel like I'm stuck on this one part, I'm not sure whether to cut it out or cut part and keep some or just keep the whole thing," he said, turning towards the desk with you and putting his headset on you. He went back on the video a bit and hit play, letting you watch the section he was talking about. You snickered a couple times, taking the headset off when the video finished.

    "I like it," you said, looking back at him.

    "So you think I should keep it in?" He asked.

    "I think you should, but it isn't my video," you said, pecking his lips while getting up, "If anything, put it as an extra little bonus clip at the end of the video..."

    "I don't know, I'll think it over while you go shower....don't take too long though, I wanna run some duos...Maybe some squads if some of the guys are on..." He said, holding onto your hand the whole time until you were too far away to reach.

    "I'm not going to rush, but at the same time, I'm not going to be slow either," you said, walking out of his office.

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