Chapter 4 - Telling Riley

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"Lucas, I can't do that,"
"Maya, I am not asking you to or expecting you to, I just want you to consider it,"
"Don't worry Maya, I am going to see if Riley is okay, do you want to come?"
"In a minute," Lucas turned away, walking back into the hospital.
Maya sat there for sometime trying to comprehend what just happened.
First Owen broke up with her, then Farkle is in a coma and now Lucas likes her again, this day is too overwhelming.
Then her thoughts were interrupted....
"Maya! Maya! Maya? What are you doing out here it's freezing!" Riley said, approaching her.
"I didn't even notice," Maya said not moving an inch.
"Thinking about Owen,"
"How did you-"
"Lucas told me, that's why I am out here, I want to see if your alright, it was a pretty serious relationship so I thought you might want to talk it out."
"Lucas.....said he wouldn't tell anyone," Maya said so barely anyone could hear.
"Sorry Maya what did you say?"
"Oh just how much did he tell you..."
"Um well he just pulled me to the side, telling me you were outside and that Owen broke up with you a few hours ago," Riley's eyes had their usual sparkle as she spoke. "Is there something else I should know?"
"Why didn't you tell me about Owen?"
"You were busy,"
"When has that ever stopped you,"
"Well, Lucas was there and I just talked to him,"
"Go on,"
"He is actually quite a good listener,"
"He walked me to the park and we talked for an hour or more,"
"Why didn't you call me?"
"Riley, does it really matter who I talk to?"
"Well why didn't you call me?"
"Because I forgot, Lucas and I were chatting, time just flew."
"Oh, but you didn't tell me when you walked into Farkle either!" Riley's voice rose.
"Well it didn't seem the right situation to bring it up in,"
There was a long pause
"Oh sorry I snapped Maya just with Farkle hurt and all this homework I feel like I am suppose to grin and bare it."
"Oh Riley you don't have to do that-"
"Maya the hospital told us to leave unless we are family," Lucas said as he entered the car park.
"Bye Riley, see you at school tomorrow." Maya said as she hugged her best friend and walked off with Lucas.
"Bye Maya!" Riley called after her.

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