Chapter 5 - Monday with out Farkle

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Lucas walks into history on Monday morning to see Maya but no Riley.
"Maya, where is Riley?"
"I don't know, she text me last night and said don't worry about picking me up, I thought her dad was driving her or something,"
"Mr Mattews, where is Riley?" Lucas said as Corey walked into the room.
"In bed, the Farkle thing hit her a little harder then she thought," he said as he placed his briefcase on the desk.
"Will she be alright," Maya said as she looked up from her art work.
"She will be fine, now on with the lesson today we will be focusing on..."
Maya and Lucas didn't listen at all during classes and as soon as it was lunch they were texting Riley yet she didn't reply.

A few hours later

"Riley, where were you today?" Maya said climbing through the bay window.
"Here, crying, feeling sick and waiting," she replied.
"Waiting for what?"
"Farkle to call and say he was alright say he was fine, that he was coming over for popcorn and chocolate milk, but.. it didn't happen."
"I know sweetie we just have to be strong for him."
"I miss him so much but I didn't notice until he wasn't there."
"Well as soon as we see him again you can tell him, in the meantime I am sleeping over."
"Let's watch a movie,"
"Yeah which one?"
"What about The Breakfast Club?"

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