31:arranging a date

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carmen woke up alone, in an unfamiliar room.

"you're awake." a familiar voice spoke. the door fully opened and jamie from last night walked in, perching himself on the end of the bed.

"how did i get here?" carmen asked, rubbing her eyes.

"last night, when you came back from the bathroom you got extremely drunk. you started talking about some luke guy and basically told me all your problems. i brought you home with me and crashed on the sofa, i didn't want you to get the wrong impression when you woke up."

"jamie, im so sorry. i probably bored you going on about my non existent love life."
"no it was pretty interesting," he joked with a smirk. "anyway, i made some breakfast and then i'll drop you off home."


"thank you for this." carmen smiled as they pulled up outside her apartment.
"no worries, i thought id let you known i put my number in your phone. just in case you get a random call from a guy called jamie."

"thanks, again."

she inserted the key in the door and opened it, greeted by felix straight away.

"where have you been? i didn't know you where stopping out." he asked.
"i stopped at this guys. nothing happened so don't go worrying."

"i wouldn't worry. id be happy you're moving on." felix smiled proudly as carmens phone buzzed in her pocket.

From: jamie
hey, i didn't have the courage to ask you face to face, but i was wondering if you'd like to go out some night? we could get some food or something. i understand if you're not interested x

to: jamie
course, id love to :) we'll sort something later x

"is that him? did you get his number?"

"yes felix. i did and im arranging a date." carmen rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
"good, im glad."

"f luke wants to be childish and block me, then its about time i moved on."

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