21:a sleepover over and a ghost train

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"for the last time calum, no way are we watching despicable me!" ashton yelled, snatching the remote from calums grip, making carmen laugh.

the six of them were currently squashed in michaels bedroom, debating on a film to watch.

"we've been doing this for half an hour now. please, just pick a film!" luke groaned, rolling onto his side and burying his face in the crook of carmens neck.

"fine! despicable me it is." ash rolled his eyes and threw the remote back over to calum, who had a massive grin on his face as he pressed play on the movie.

carmen and luke didn't watch much of the film, they just quietly sat, cuddled up together scrolling through lukes instagram, laughing at funny posts.

"for gods sake. them two fell asleep in my bed!" michael said, glancing over to carmen and luke who were sprawled out on michael's, fast asleep.
"it's fine, you can sleep on the floor." calum chuckled, throwing a blanket over to michael.

"but that's my bed, and this was my idea, and this is my room." michael muttered, throwing the blanket over his body.


"how can you date her? she takes a week to get ready." ashton said, resting his head in hands.
"shut up ash, we have all day." luke replied, as carmen entered the living room.

"finally!" calum shot up from his seat. "and luke, before you ask, carmen definitely can't come on tour if that's how long it's going to take for her to get ready."

"we have a problem," ashton sighed as all six of them headed for the car. "there's five seats, and six of us."
"sorry mike, looks like you'll have to sit in the trunk." calum rested his hand on the colourful haired boys shoulder.
"what? no way! if anyone's going in the trunk it's calum for making us watch that awful film last night."

"nobody is getting in the trunk," luke spoke. "carmen and i can take my car. did none of you three idiots think of that?"

the three boys stood looking at each other, while felix and carmen laughed in the background.

"well im coming with you two. no way am i sitting with cal." michael headed over to lukes car.

luke mentally groaned but unlocked the car anyway, the three of them getting in while the other three got in ashton's car. michael researched a nearby theme park and gave luke the directions.

three hours later, they finally arrived.

"i thought you said this was nearby michael." luke rolled his eyes as they pulled up in the parking lot.
"look, i was up all night looking for this theme park. this is the closest one."

they paid the parking fee and soon enough, they were all in.

"oh my god a ghost train. please say we can go on the ghost train! and this one, it goes upside down!" michael shrieked in excitement.

"michael," carmen smiled, wrapping her arm around him. "we can go on all of them." she said, causing a huge grin to appear on michael's face.

michael dragged everybody over to the ghost train and joined the long queue.

"out of all the rides, you has to pick the one with the longest queue." calum sighed, folding his arms.
"well you can go on something else if you like." michael answered.

"can we please just get on and have a nice day today." carmen smiled.

the queue soon went down and everyone was getting into their carts.

carmen and luke, felix and ashton and calum and michael.

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