44: i love you

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"where are you going?" ashton stopped luke from leaving by throwing a tshirt at him.
"where do you think?" michael interrupted before luke could answer for himself. "he's going to see his girlfriend."

"she's not my girlfriend." luke sighed.
"she might as well be. you've seen her every day for the past month luke. let me ask you this, have you fucked her in that past month?" michael smirked.

"i don't feel comfortable discussing my sex life with you." luke felt his cheeks heat up.
"so that's definitely a yes. you need to ask her to be your girlfriend before she loses interest." calum chimed in.
"she definitely won't be losing interest when sex is on offer." michael chuckled to himself.

"yeah whatever, i might be back later but i'll probably end up staying at carmens. and no michael, not to have sex, but because i always end up staying at carmens." luke said before he finally left and headed to carmens.

the drive there felt longer than usual. he liked carmen, no, he loved her. so why was it so hard to ask her out? he felt like millions of thoughts were swimming around his mind.

carmen was pacing back and forth her bedroom, trying to decide on an outfit to wear. it was only a trip to the movies, she didn't need to make that much of an effort. but she wanted to impress luke. why? because she loves him. she was desperate to tell him her feelings but was terrified she'd end up humiliating herself.

she heard the door slam shut which meant luke was here, and she wasn't anywhere near ready.

"carmen." luke barged through without even knocking.
"luke, i could've been getting ready, or naked." she blushed.

"what does that matter? i see you naked all the time. no big deal right?"
"are you okay?" carmen sat luke on the bed next to her.
"yeah, i mean, im alright i suppose."

carmen couldn't help but notice that luke couldn't sit still. his leg was constantly shaking and that's only something he did when he was nervous.

"i want to tell you something but it might make things awkward between us and we've only just reconnected and id hate for us to fall out again because i like spending time with you and now I'm just rambling but basically what I want to say is, i love you." he blurted out in a rush.


"oh god. why can't i just keep quiet and not say anything? ive ruined it. our friendship is just over-"

carmen shut him up by kissing him. he was surprised at first but quickly kissed her back.

"you told me you loved me that night you came here. why was it so hard to say it now?" she asked pulling away.
"i've been doing a lot of thinking recently, about us, and i don't want us to just hang out, kiss and have sex anymore. i want to make something of it. i don't know why i found it so hard to tell you, i guess i was just worried you'd rather carry on doing what we're doing than an actual relationship."

"luke, i ditched my fiancée at the alter for you, of course i love you." she smiled before she reached up to kiss him again.

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