35:bedroom antics

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"so," kelsie started as she sat painting her nails a bright pink colour waiting for felix to return home. "i heard you're engaged now. haven't you known him for like two months?"

"just over five." carmen replied, not in the mood. she was sick of kelsie always trying to put her down.

"you really have me to thank. if we never went out that night, you never would've met james, or whatever he's called." kelsie chuckled to herself.

in a way, what she was saying was true. but if kelsie was actually a decent human being and didn't ditch carmen for some random hook up on the dance floor, she probably wouldn't have even spoken to jamie.

"if we never went out that night i would never have found out you cheat on my best friend." carmen spat back.
"im surprised you managed to keep it quiet for so long," kelsie chuckled to herself. "i suppose you have your own bedroom antics so you don't have mine to worry about."

"its okay, i wasn't worried in the first place." carmen shot a fake smile.

"ah, my two favourite girls." felix grinned as he entered the living room.

"im going out." carmen mentally sighed, getting up and leaving.

"is she ok?" felix asked, but kelsie just shrugged in reply.

carmen sat in a little cafe down the street and turned her thoughts to last night. she didn't realise but she felt so much better when luke was around. and she blushed. he kept making her cheeks turn a light pink shade, even when he smiled at her.

she didn't want to over think the whole situation. luke was drunk and probably doesn't even remember seeing carmen and he didn't mean anything he said.

but luke did remember and spent the whole morning cringing in bed.
"luke, can you get up please. even michael's out of bed." calum sighed.
"i can't. i can never see her again. it's way too embarrassing."

"well she's not in the hotel room so you're free to walk around here. have a shower because you stink and some breakfast to fill you up."

"you sound like my mom." luke groaned, pushing the covers off of him.

while showering, luke couldn't get carmen off his mind, again. his thoughts quickly turned to the night they stayed in the motel and the intimate moment they shared together in the shower. but he quickly snapped out of it because he knew he shouldn't be thinking things like that when she had a boyfriend.

while luke was away, he found it so much easier to forget about carmen. he'd just drink and sleep with other girls after shows but now he was back and only a fifteen minute walk away from carmen, it was pretty hard to forget about her.

he could hear ashton banging on the bathroom door for luke to get out, so he quickly turned off the shower and got out.

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