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Running beside the lake just on the outskirts of our village, Markus my closest friend, ran toward the river before crouching low and throwing some of the water in my direction. Squealing from the cold water that hit my exposed skin, I stopped in my tracks to frown at him.

"That wasn't nice!" I yelled. Folding my arms over my chest I continued to pout.

Smiling mischievously in my direction, I watched as he slowly bent down to cup some water in his hands. Slowly unfolding my arms, I backed away as he came closer with the water. "Markus Dwell, if you value your favourite sword I suggest you put that water down."

Shaking his head, I watched as his smile reached his eyes. "Sweet Abagail, it seems you have a little bit of dirt on your face." Running towards me with a loud cheer, I quickly turned around heading in the direction of our village.

"Abagail, you won't get away from me!" Laughing, Markus jumped over a fallen down tree.

Smiling to myself I rounded a tree. Bending down I picked up a long stick in some type of way to defend myself. Although Markus was taller than me and could easily disarm me, I had to have some type of strategy. All the training I had done with him in secret, would be used now.

Coming to a halt in front of me, I watched Markus playfully frown at me. "Now that's not fair, is it?"

Frowning up at him, I lowered the stick. "Well do you think it's fair to ruin a ladies dress?" I questioned.

Showing his gummy smile, I watched as the corner of his eyes crinkled as a sweet laugh left his lips. "How about this then." Licking his lips, he looked back at the direction of our village. "Last person back to the village has to lay in the mud with the pigs." Smirking at me, I watched his eyes dance with humour.

Bitting my bottom lip, I nervously glanced in the direction of the village. If I made a run for it now, I would be able to get back before him. As if sensing my thoughts, Markus took a step towards me. Spinning around I ran towards the village as fast as my legs would carry me.

"Hey!" I heard Markus shout before laughter filled the empty forest. "That's cheating!"

Ignoring his comments, I tried to dodge all the fallen down trees and branches. I couldn't lose. I had lost to the same thing only a few days ago. When my mother had seen me in such a dirty state I was punishes for my actions. She had told me a girl of my age needed to start acting like a women than that of a nine year old girl.

Although I was only fifteen and Markus seventeen, we both enjoyed the little games we would play when the chance arose.

As I reached closer to the border of the forest, I could make out the farming area just past the trees. Gritting my teeth, I pushed my legs to move closer as the sound of footsteps zeroed in around me.

"I'm catching you!" Markus sounded out of breath as he struggled to get closer to me. Just as I was about to reach the border, my foot got snagged on a tree root causing me to fall to the ground with a loud humph.

Groaning at the pain in my knees, I looked up to see Markus had made it into the clearing. Groaning in pain I closed my eyes. "Great." I whispered.

"You okay?" Looking up from the ground, Markus had his hand extended to me, a sad smile now on his lips. Nodding I placed my hand in his.

Once on my feet, I noticed my knees were bleeding. Just great, another issue for mother to frown about.

Clapping me on my back gently, Markus pushed me towards my hut. "Come on, let's get you home to help your mother."

Turning to frown at Markus, I said, "Don't you have to go help your brother hunt?"

Nodding, he sighed. "Yeah I do."

Frowning I turned to look at a few of the women in the field. "Then what's with the frown then?"

With a shake of his head, Markus waved his hand. "I'm just tired. I've been having these weird dreams lately. Alex put it down to me finally becoming a man tomorrow, but I don't know."

Grunting in disgust I looked up at him. "I don't want to know about your dreams. Please keep them to yourself."

Laughing, Markus pushed my head to the side. "I'm not sure what dreams you think I'm having, but I can assure you they definitely aren't what you are thinking."

With a shiver I quickened my steps. "Still... Don't tell me anything about your dream."

"Even if it was about a Dragon?" His question had me stopping in my tracks. Slowly turning my head, I noticed a frown on his lips.

"You do realise what that could mean right?" I asked, worry evident in my voice.

Smiling down at me, he shook his head. "It's nothing like that. I've already spoken to a healer."

Groaning, I turned to walk away. "Right, an old batty lady that thinks she has powers to heal people."

Catching up to me with a laugh, he slung his arm around my shoulder. "Now, now. I'd stop before someone hands you into the High Priest." Laughing, we made our way back towards my hut.

The Dragon Rider Vol. 2 Kingdoms Fall (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now