•Chapter Two{Random Stuff}•

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●3rd/Narrator POV●
You woke up early remembering what hapened yesterday. You smiled to yourself and walked into the bathroom to brush your teeth. After that you took the same shorts and T-shirt you wore yesterday and went downstairs. All the men were still asleep. You smiled at them and took your phone to check the time.

"10:00AM? Time to start on breakfast", you thought to yourself and walked to the kitchen and started baking pancakes as you hummed "My Shot" from Hamilton.

You finished the pancakes and prepared the table. You made your way to the living room and woke up the boys the way any true Hamilton fan wakes anyone up.

"HEY-YO IT'S TIME TO RISE UP! If you want food,you RISE UP!!!",you yelled and walked back to the kitchen hearing groans from the sleepy men.

You just laughed and found a Nutela jar in one of your cabinets and put it on the table. The guys walked into the kitchen one by one sitting in the chair closest to them. Alexander noticed the Nutela jar and looked at you:"What is that?"

"That is Nutela,kind of like chocolate in a cream form",you said.

"What is chocolate?",Hercules asked.
"...You guys lived in a sad time..Well chocolate is a sweet,that is tipicaly dark and is made with cacao seeds. And then you can add anything else you want. And you may hear of "White Chocolate" but it isn't really chocolate because it doesn't have cacao in it", you answered and continued eating,"Just spread it around on the pancake and roll it up. It tastes amazing." After breakfast you took all the dishes and started washing them.

"Do you need help mon amie?",you heard Lafayette ask behind you.

"Could you put away those clean dishes in that cabinet over there?", you pointed to the cabinet.

"Ce n'est pas un problème(it's not a problem)",he said and started putting them away.

You dried your hands and cleaned the table. You went into the living room and saw the guys sitting on the couch,well more like squishing each other to be able to sit on it.

Alexander and Thomas were about to start punching each other but you took both of their hands before they could.

"NO punching,NO fighting and NO dueling!",you yelled at the two men, "Same goes for all of you!"

"You're like a little less extreme Angelica",Burr comented.

"I love that girl so that is compliment", you said,"Want to drink something? And before anyone gets exited,I mean water or juice not alchohol."

"AWWWWW!!!",they all cried and you just rolled your eyes. You sat down and took your phone out checking your messages and you had none.

All of your friends were either on vacation or still doing work so no one really had the time for you or they just forgot.

The guys just stared at you not knowimg what to do. You looked up at them and made eye contact will all of them one by one. "What?",you asked.

"Nothing!",they all said in usion and you just raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you staring at me?",you asked again.

"We have nothing else to do",James said.

"True....How about we get you guys some new clothes and pijamas,you can't wear that",you said reffering to the clothes they were already wearing.

"What's wrong with these clothes", Hercules said sounding sad and offended at the same time.

"Well,they just aren't in fashion anymore",you said as he looked down at the ground. You sighted.

"Alright you don't have to,I just thought it would be a good idea to get you something that you could sleep in a bit easier. It would be a lot more comfterable",you shruged and looked down at your phone again.

"What is so interesting on that "phone"?",Lafayette asked puting quotes on the word phone.

"You get to see cool stuff on the internet,interact with people and a lot of other stuff. It's kinda like sending a letter to someone,but you can also put in personal information and no one will know about it",you explained.

"Ooohhhh",they all said in usion and then looked at Hamilton:"You would like that." Hamilton just looked at them and blushed slightly.

"Nah,there is no way he can learn how to use this thing",I laughed.

"Yeah,you're probably right",Jefferson laughed with you as Hamilton's blush became even darker.

Word count:1004

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